The SURVEYFREQ Procedure

Example 94.2 Multiway Tables (Domain Analysis)

Continuing to use the SIS_Survey data set from the section Getting Started: SURVEYFREQ Procedure, this example shows how to produce multiway tables. The following PROC SURVEYFREQ statements request a table of Department by SchoolType by Response for the student information system survey:

title 'Student Information System Survey';
proc surveyfreq data=SIS_Survey;
   tables  Department * SchoolType * Response
           SchoolType * Response;
   strata  State NewUser;
   cluster School;
   weight  SamplingWeight;

The TABLES statement requests a multiway table with SchoolType as the row variable, Response as the column variable, and Department as the layer variable. This request produces a separate two-way table of SchoolType by Response for each level of the variable Department. The TABLES statement also requests a two-way table of SchoolType by Response, which totals the multiway table over both levels of Department. As in the previous examples, the STRATA, CLUSTER, and WEIGHT statements provide sample design information, so that the analysis will be done according to the design used for this survey.

Output 94.2.1 displays the multiway table produced by PROC SURVEYFREQ, which includes a table of SchoolType by Response for Department = 'Faculty' and for Department = 'Admin/Guidance'. This is equivalent to a domain (subpopulation) analysis of SchoolType by Response, where the domains are Department = 'Faculty' and Department = 'Admin/Guidance'.

Output 94.2.1: Multiway Table of Department by SchoolType by Response

Student Information System Survey

The SURVEYFREQ Procedure

Table of SchoolType by Response
Controlling for Department=Faculty
SchoolType Response Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
Middle School Very Unsatisfied 74 1846 301.22637 6.6443 1.0838
  Unsatisfied 78 1929 283.11476 6.9428 1.0201
  Neutral 130 3289 407.80855 11.8369 1.4652
  Satisfied 113 2795 368.85087 10.0597 1.3288
  Very Satisfied 55 1378 261.63311 4.9578 0.9411
  Total 450 11237 714.97120 40.4415 2.5713
High School Very Unsatisfied 135 3405 389.42313 12.2536 1.3987
  Unsatisfied 125 3155 384.56734 11.3563 1.3809
  Neutral 216 5429 489.37826 19.5404 1.7564
  Satisfied 141 3507 417.54773 12.6208 1.5040
  Very Satisfied 43 1052 221.59367 3.7874 0.7984
  Total 660 16549 719.61536 59.5585 2.5713
Total Very Unsatisfied 209 5251 454.82598 18.8979 1.6326
  Unsatisfied 203 5085 442.39032 18.2992 1.5897
  Neutral 346 8718 550.81735 31.3773 1.9705
  Satisfied 254 6302 507.01711 22.6805 1.8287
  Very Satisfied 98 2430 330.97602 8.7452 1.1918
  Total 1110 27786 119.25529 100.000  

Table of SchoolType by Response
Controlling for Department=Admin/Guidance
SchoolType Response Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
Middle School Very Unsatisfied 42 649.43427 133.06194 5.8435 1.1947
  Unsatisfied 31 460.35557 100.80158 4.1422 0.9076
  Neutral 104 1568 186.99946 14.1042 1.6804
  Satisfied 84 1269 165.71127 11.4142 1.4896
  Very Satisfied 39 574.93878 110.37243 5.1732 0.9942
  Total 300 4521 287.86832 40.6774 2.5801
High School Very Unsatisfied 53 777.77725 136.41869 6.9983 1.2285
  Unsatisfied 92 1362 175.40862 12.2573 1.5806
  Neutral 131 2005 212.34804 18.0404 1.8990
  Satisfied 117 1739 190.07798 15.6437 1.7118
  Very Satisfied 47 709.37033 126.54394 6.3828 1.1371
  Total 440 6593 288.92483 59.3226 2.5801
Total Very Unsatisfied 95 1427 182.28132 12.8419 1.6374
  Unsatisfied 123 1823 193.43045 16.3995 1.7446
  Neutral 235 3572 250.22739 32.1447 2.2300
  Satisfied 201 3007 226.82311 27.0579 2.0406
  Very Satisfied 86 1284 160.83434 11.5560 1.4466
  Total 740 11114 60.78850 100.000