dependent = <effects> </ options> ;
The MODEL statement specifies the dependent (response) variable and the independent (regressor) variables or effects. The dependent variable must be numeric. Each term in a MODEL statement, called an effect, is a variable or a combination of variables. You can specify an effect with a variable name or with special notation by using variable names and operators. For more information about how to specify an effect, see the section Specification of Effects in Chapter 44: The GLM Procedure.
Only one MODEL statement is allowed for each PROC SURVEYREG statement. If you specify more than one MODEL statement, the procedure uses the first model and ignores the rest.
Table 98.8 summarizes the options available in the MODEL statement.
Table 98.8: MODEL Statement Options
Option |
Description |
Compute the adjusted multiple R-square |
Produces the ANOVA table |
Requests confidence limits |
Displays the estimated covariance matrix |
Displays design effects |
Specifies the denominator degrees of freedom |
Displays the inverse or the generalized inverse of the |
Omits the intercept |
Displays the labels of the parameters |
Tunes the estimability checking |
Displays parameter estimates |
Displays standardized parameter estimates |
Specifies whether to use degrees of freedom adjustment |
Displays the |
You can specify the following options in the MODEL statement after a slash (/):