Unless the SHORT option is specified, the ACECLUS procedure displays the following items:
Means and Standard Deviations of the input variables
the matrix, labeled COV: Total Sample Covariances
the name or value of the matrix used for the Initial Within-Cluster Covariance Estimate
the Threshold value if the PROPORTION= option is specified
For each iteration, PROC ACECLUS displays the following items:
the Iteration number
RMS Distance, the root mean square distance between all pairs of observations
the Distance Cutoff for including pairs of observations in the estimate of the within-cluster covariances, which equals the RMS distance times
the threshold
the number of Pairs Within Cutoff
the Convergence Measure as specified by the METRIC= option
If the SHORT option is not specified, PROC ACECLUS also displays the matrix, labeled ACE: Approximate Covariance Estimate Within Clusters.
The ACECLUS procedure displays a table of eigenvalues from the canonical analysis containing the following items:
Eigenvalues of Inv(ACE)*(COV–ACE)
the Difference between successive eigenvalues
the Proportion of variance explained by each eigenvalue
the Cumulative proportion of variance explained
If the SHORT option is not specified, PROC ACECLUS displays the following items:
the Eigenvectors or raw canonical coefficients
the standardized eigenvectors or standard canonical coefficients