The BOXPLOT procedure can produce two kinds of graphical output:
traditional graphics
ODS Statistical Graphics output
Traditional graphics are saved in graphics catalogs with entry type GRSEG. Their appearance is controlled by global statements such as the GOPTIONS, AXIS, and SYMBOL statements (as described in SAS/GRAPH: Reference) and numerous specialized PLOT statement options. You must have a SAS/GRAPHĀ® license to produce traditional graphics.
ODS Statistical Graphics (or ODS Graphics for short) is an extension to the Output Delivery System (ODS). Graphs are produced in standard image file formats (such as PNG) instead of graphics catalogs, and the details of their appearance and layout are controlled by ODS styles and templates. When ODS Graphics is enabled (for example, with the ODS GRAPHICS ON statement) PROC BOXPLOT produces ODS Graphics output. Otherwise, it produces traditional graphics. See ChapterĀ 21: Statistical Graphics Using ODS, for a thorough discussion of ODS Graphics.
Global graphics statements (GOPTIONS, AXIS, and SYMBOL, for example) and PLOT statement options that specify details of graph appearance (such as CBOXFILL= and FONT= ) are ignored when ODS Graphics is enabled. Some PLOT statement options do affect ODS Graphics output, as indicated in the section PLOT Statement Options.
See the section Getting Started: BOXPLOT Procedure for examples producing box plots via the traditional graphics system and ODS Graphics.
Note: Prior to SAS 9.2, traditional graphics produced by PROC BOXPLOT were extremely basic by default. Producing attractive graphical output required the careful selection of colors, fonts, and other elements, which were specified via SAS/GRAPH statements and PLOT statement options. Beginning with SAS 9.2, the default appearance of traditional box plots is governed by the prevailing ODS style, which automatically produces attractive, consistent output. You can specify the NOGSTYLE system option to prevent the ODS style from affecting the appearance of traditional graphs.