The TEST statement requests asymptotic tests for measures of association and measures of agreement. The test-options identify which tests to compute. Table 40.19 lists the available test-options, together with their corresponding TABLES statement options. Descriptions of the test-options follow the table in alphabetical order.
For each measure of association or agreement that you request in the TEST statement, PROC FREQ provides an asymptotic test that the measure equals zero. The procedure displays the asymptotic standard error under the null hypothesis, the test statistic, and the one-sided and two-sided p-values. Additionally, PROC FREQ reports the confidence limits for the measure. The ALPHA= option in the TABLES statement determines the confidence level, which by default equals 0.05 and provides 95% confidence limits. See the sections Asymptotic Tests and Confidence Limits for details. Also see the sections Measures of Association and Tests and Measures of Agreement for information about the individual measures.
You can also request exact tests for selected measures of association and agreement by using the EXACT statement. See the section Exact Statistics for more information.
You must use a TABLES statement with the TEST statement. If you use only one TABLES statement, you do not need to specify the same options in both the TABLES and TEST statements; when you specify an option in the TEST statement, PROC FREQ automatically invokes the corresponding TABLES statement option. However, when you use the TEST statement with multiple TABLES statements, you must specify options in the TABLES statements to request statistics. PROC FREQ then provides asymptotic tests for those statistics that you also specify in the TEST statement.
Table 40.19: TEST Statement Options
Test Option |
Asymptotic Tests |
Required TABLES Statement Option |
Simple and weighted kappa coefficients |
Gamma |
Simple kappa coefficient |
Kendall’s tau-b |
Gamma, Kendall’s tau-b, Stuart’s tau-c, |
Somers’ |
Pearson and Spearman correlations |
Pearson correlation coefficient |
Polychoric correlation |
Spearman correlation coefficient |
Somers’ |
Somers’ |
Stuart’s tau-c |
Weighted kappa coefficient |
You can specify the following test-options in the TEST statement.