Features: |
PROC DOCUMENT statement options: NAME= REPLAY statement |
Other features: |
ODS _ALL_ CLOSE statement ODS HTML statement GOPTIONS statement |
ODS destinations: | DOCUMENT
ods _all_ close;
options metaserver = 'your-metadata-server' metaport = your-metadata-server-port metauser = 'your-userid' metapass = 'your-password';
proc stp program='/Products/SAS Intelligence Platform/Samples/ Sample: Cholesterol by Sex and Age Group' odsout=store; run;
goptions device=png;
ods html path='your-output-directory' file='test.htm' style=HTMLBlue;
proc document name=&_ODSDOC (read);
replay / levels=all;
ods html close;
options metaserver = 'your-metadata-server' metaport = your-metadata-server-port metauser = 'your-userid' metapass = 'your-password';
proc stp program='/Products/SAS Intelligence Platform/Samples/ Sample: Cholesterol by Sex and Age Group' odsout=store; run;