STP Procedure


PROC STP PROGRAM=“metadata-path-of-stored-process” <ODSOUT=STORE | REPLAY>;
INPUTDATA stored-process-data-file=member-name | “data-set-path”;
INPUTFILE stored-process-file<=local-fileref | “local-file-path”> ...;
INPUTPARAM parameter-name<=”parameter-value”>
LIST< GROUP=level | (level1...leveln)>;
LOG FILE=local-fileref | local-file-path
OUTPUTDATA stored-process-data-file=member-name | “data-set-path”;
OUTPUTFILE stored-process-file<=local-fileref | “local-file-path”> ...;
OUTPUTPARAM parameter-name<=local-variable-name>;

Table of Procedure Tasks

Statement Task
PROC STP Statement Executes a stored process
INPUTDATA Statement Defines input data files for the execution of the stored process
INPUTFILE Statement Defines input files for the execution of the stored process
INPUTPARAM Statement Defines input parameters for the execution of the stored process
LIST Statement Lists details about the stored process that is specified by the PROGRAM= option
LOG Statement Controls the location of the stored process log
OUTPUTDATA Statement Defines output data files that are produced by the execution of the stored process
OUTPUTFILE Statement Defines output files that are produced by the execution of the stored process
OUTPUTPARAM Statement Defines output parameters that are produced by the execution of the stored process