This example shows how to collapse the daily data to a weekly interval by using the same Quandl code as in Example 43.4, GOOG/TYO_1551, to retrieve the price and yield performance of the JASDAQ-TOP20 Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in Japan, starting January 1, 2014, and ending March 26, 2014, with a daily native frequency, collapsing to a weekly frequency by using the COLLAPSE= option. The output is shown in Output 43.5.1.
options validvarname=any; title 'JASDAQ-TOP20 ETF, COLLAPSE=WEEKLY Option'; libname _all_ clear; libname mylib "U:\quan950\doc\"; libname myTOP20 sasequan "%sysget(QUANDL)" apikey='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' idlist='GOOG/TYO_1551' format=XML outXml=jasdaqW automap=replace mapref=MyMap xmlmap="%sysget(QUANDL)" start='2014-01-01' end='2014-03-26' collapse=weekly ; data mylib.jasdaqW; set myTOP20.jasdaqW; run;
proc contents data=mylib.jasdaqW; run; proc print data=mylib.jasdaqW; run;
Obs | date | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume |
1 | 2014-01-05 | 6090 | 6210 | 5980 | 6190 | 34760 |
2 | 2014-01-12 | 6150 | 6190 | 6060 | 6100 | 13980 |
3 | 2014-01-19 | 5910 | 6010 | 5850 | 6000 | 8130 |
4 | 2014-01-26 | 5820 | 6050 | 5700 | 5920 | 23250 |
5 | 2014-02-02 | 5780 | 5820 | 5550 | 5620 | 8440 |
6 | 2014-02-09 | 5670 | 5700 | 5550 | 5590 | 8070 |
7 | 2014-02-16 | 5660 | 5700 | 5480 | 5520 | 6990 |
8 | 2014-02-23 | 5700 | 5770 | 5640 | 5640 | 8550 |
9 | 2014-03-02 | 5830 | 5830 | 5650 | 5670 | 4420 |
10 | 2014-03-09 | 5870 | 5890 | 5850 | 5850 | 3740 |
11 | 2014-03-16 | 5550 | 5620 | 5420 | 5470 | 9030 |
12 | 2014-03-23 | 5300 | 5340 | 5130 | 5140 | 4780 |
13 | 2014-03-30 | 4905 | 5070 | 4905 | 5060 | 5920 |