The valid color-naming schemes are as follows:
RGBA (red green blue transparency)
CMYK (cyan magenta yellow black)
HLS (hue lightness saturation)
HSV (hue saturation brightness),
also called HSB
SAS color names (from the SAS Registry)
SAS Color Naming System (CNS)
Examples of Specifying Colors
COLORS=(cx98FB98 cxDDA0DD cxFFDAB9 cxDB7093 cxB0E0E6)
COLORS=(a98FB9833 aDDA0DD66 aFFDAB999 aDB7093CC aB0E0E6FF)
COLORS=("FF00FF00" "00FFFF00" "FFFFFF00")
COLORS=(H14055FF H0F060FF H0B485FF H07880FF)
COLORS=(V0F055FF v010FFFF v03BFFFF v12C55E8)
COLORS=(palegreen plum peachpuff palevioletred powderblue)
COLORS=("very light purplish blue"
"light vivid green" "medium strong yellow"
"dark grayish green")
1RGBA color mode is not
supported by Java devices. RGBA color mode is supported by ActiveX
devices when the output is used in Microsoft applications.
You can also mix color-naming
schemes in the same statement, for example:
goptions colors=(cxEE0044 "vivid blue" darkgreen);
Note: Hardware characteristics
of your output device might cause some colors with different color
definitions to appear the same. The same color is likely to appear
different on different devices and might not appear correctly on some
devices. To determine whether your device supports a specific color-naming
scheme, refer to your graphics device documentation.
Each of the color-naming
schemes supported by
SAS/GRAPH has its advantages and disadvantages based on how the output is
used. For example, if you are creating a report that will be viewed
online only, then specifying colors using the RGB naming scheme or
the SAS color names defined in the registry might produce better results.
If you are creating a report for publishing in printed form, you might
want to use the CMYK color-naming scheme.
Note: Invalid color names, such
as a misspelled color name, are mapped to gray, and a NOTE is issued
to the SAS log. A valid color name that is not supported by the current
device is mapped to the closest color that is supported by the device.
For additional information
about color-naming schemes, see
Effective Color Displays:
Theory and Practice by David Travis and
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice by Foley,
van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes.