GREPLAY Procedure

MOVE Statement

Rearranges entries in the input catalog by moving entries before or after other entries.


MOVE entry-id-1 AFTER | BEFORE entry-id-2;

Required Arguments

specifies the number (in the order in which they were created) or name of a catalog entry or a group header that is to be moved.
is the number (in the order in which they were created) or name of a catalog entry or a group header.
specifies whether entry-id-1 should be moved before or after entry-id-2.


To move an entire group, use the group name for entry-id-1. To move an entry into a group, move the entry after a group header, or before or after an entry in the group. This statement moves the entry CHART3 into the group named NEW_SALES:
move chart3 after new_sales;