Specifies whether the
bar statistic value is displayed at the end of the bar.
Specifies the text
properties of the bar label text.
Specifies the text
format used to display the bar label.
Specifies the width
of the bars as a ratio of the maximum possible width.
Specifies the response-axis
intercept for the baseline.
Specifies a column that
is used to discretely color the transaction bars.
Specifies a style element
to use to determine the colors of the transaction bars.
Specifies the values
to use to map the transaction-bar colors to a continuous color gradient.
Determines whether trend
lines connect to the adjacent bar’s starting or ending value.
Specifies the appearance
of the trend lines that connect the bars.
Specifies the appearance
of trend lines that denote a decreasing value between bars.
Specifies the appearance
of trend lines that denote an increasing value between bars.
Enhances the visual
appearance of the filled bars.
Specifies the degree
of the transparency of the bar fill, bar outline, and trend lines,
if displayed.
Specifies which bar
features are displayed.
Specifies the appearance
of the filled bar area.
Determines whether a
solid or gradient fill is used in the bars.
Specifies the appearance
of the “final” bar, if displayed.
Specifies a tick value
to use on the category axis when the “final” bar is
Specifies the appearance
of the “initial” bar, if displayed.
Specifies a tick value
to use on the category axis when the “initial” bar is
specifies a value for
the “initial” bar.
Specifies the label
for a legends.
Assigns a name to a
plot statement for reference in other template statements.
Specifies the properties
of the bar outlines.
Specifies user-defined
roles that can be used to display information in the tooltips.
Specifies the statistic
to be computed for the RESPONSE axis.
Specifies the information
to display when the cursor is positioned over a bar.
Specifies display formats
for the information defined by the tooltip roles.
Specifies display labels
for the information defined by the tooltip roles.
Specifies an HTML page
to display when a bar is selected.
Specifies whether data
are mapped to the primary X (bottom) axis or the secondary X2 (top)
Specifies whether data
are mapped to the primary Y (left) axis or the secondary Y2 (right)