The OPTLSO Procedure

Procedure Termination Messages

After PROC OPTLSO terminates, one of the following messages is displayed:

User interrupted.

The procedure was interrupted by the user.

Function convergence criteria reached.

The best objective value and feasibility have not sufficiently improved for the specified number of iterations. This criterion is a typical exit state if the global optimum is reached early in the algorithm.

Maximum function evaluations reached.

PROC OPTLSO has attempted to exceed the maximum number of function evaluations.

Generations complete.

The maximum number of GA generations (iterations) has been reached. At this point, no new points are generated, and the algorithm exits.

Maximum time reached.

PROC OPTLSO has exceeded the maximum allotted time.

Problem may be unbounded.

The objective value appears to take on arbitrarily large values at points that satisfy the feasibility tolerance.


The problem is infeasible.


The algorithm exited for any reason other than the preceding reasons. For example, this message is displayed if the provided FCMP function does not exist or cannot be evaluated.