CPORT Procedure

READ= Data Set Option in the PROC CPORT Statement

To be authorized to create the transport file for a read-protected data set, you must include the password (clear-text or encoded). If the password is not included, the transport file cannot be created.
If you are working with a password protected data set, you can supply that password using the READ= option. If you do not supply the password using the READ= option for a read-protected data set, you will be prompted for the password.
Use the READ= data set option to include the appropriate password for the read-protected data set when creating a transport file. In Example 1, PROC CPORT copies the input file that is named SOURCE.GRADES, includes the password ADMIN with the data set, and creates the transport file named GRADESOUT.
Example 1: Clear-Text Password:
proc cport data=source.grades(read=admin) file=gradesout;
In Example 2, an encoded password is specified with the READ= option. An encoded password is generated via the PWENCODE procedure. For details, see PWENCODE Procedure.
Example 2: Encoded Password
proc cport
If the password is omitted when referring to a password protected data set, SAS prompts for the password. If an invalid password is specified, an error message is sent to the log. Here is an example error:
 ERROR: Invalid or missing READ password on member WORK.XYZ.DATA
If the data set is transported as part of a library or named on a SELECT statement, a password is not required. However, if a data set with a password is transported and the target SAS engine does not support passwords, the transport file cannot be imported.
For details about the READ= data set option, see SAS Data Set Options: Reference, and for details about password-protected data sets, see SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
Note: PROC CIMPORT does not require a password in order to restore the transport file in the target environment. However, other SAS procedures that use the password-protected data set must include the password.