Summary of Optional Arguments
exports SAS/AF PROGRAM and SCL entries without Edit
capability when you import them.
specifies that exported catalog entries contain
compiled SCL code, but not the source code.
specifies a libref associated with a SAS library.
Control the contents of the transport file
suppresses the conversion of displayed character
data to transport format.
controls the exportation of integrity constraints.
copies the created and modified date and time to
the transport file.
controls the exportation of indexes with indexed
SAS data sets.
specifies the type of DBCS data stored in the SAS
files to be exported.
suppresses the compression of binary zeros and blanks
in the transport file.
writes all alphabetic characters to the transport
file in uppercase.
translates specified characters from one ASCII or
EBCDIC value to another.
Identify the transport file
specifies the transport file to write to.
directs the output from PROC CPORT to a tape.
Select files to export
exports copies of all data sets or catalog entries
that have a modification date equal to or later than the date that
you specify.
excludes specified entry types from the transport
includes specified entry types in the transport
specifies whether to export all generations of a
data set.
specifies that only data sets, only catalogs, or
both, be moved when a library is exported.