TIMEPLOT Procedure

Example 1: Plotting a Single Variable


ID statement

PLOT statement arguments: :
simple plot request


This example demonstrates the following:
  • Use a single PLOT statement to plot sales of refrigerators
  • Specify the number of print positions to use for the horizontal axis of the plot
  • Provide context for the points in the plot by printing in the listing the values of two variables that are not in the plot


options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
data sales;
   input Month Week Seller $ Icebox Stove;
1 1 Kreitz   3450.94 1312.61
1 1 LeGrange 2520.04  728.13
1 2 Kreitz   3240.67  222.35
1 2 LeGrange 2675.42  184.24
1 3 Kreitz   3160.45 2263.33
1 3 LeGrange 2805.35  267.35
1 4 Kreitz   3400.24 1787.45
1 4 LeGrange 2870.61  274.51
2 1 Kreitz   3550.43 2910.37
2 1 LeGrange 2730.09  397.98
2 2 Kreitz   3385.74  819.69
2 2 LeGrange 2670.93 2242.24
proc timeplot data=sales;
   plot icebox / pos=50;
   id month week;
   title 'Weekly Sales of Iceboxes';
   title2 'for the';
   title3 'First Six Weeks of the Year';

Program Description

Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Create the SALES data set. SALES contains weekly information about the sales of refrigerators and stoves by two sales representatives.
data sales;
   input Month Week Seller $ Icebox Stove;
1 1 Kreitz   3450.94 1312.61
1 1 LeGrange 2520.04  728.13
1 2 Kreitz   3240.67  222.35
1 2 LeGrange 2675.42  184.24
1 3 Kreitz   3160.45 2263.33
1 3 LeGrange 2805.35  267.35
1 4 Kreitz   3400.24 1787.45
1 4 LeGrange 2870.61  274.51
2 1 Kreitz   3550.43 2910.37
2 1 LeGrange 2730.09  397.98
2 2 Kreitz   3385.74  819.69
2 2 LeGrange 2670.93 2242.24
Plot sales of refrigerators. The plot variable, Icebox, appears in both the listing and the output. POS= provides 50 print positions for the horizontal axis.
proc timeplot data=sales;
   plot icebox / pos=50;
Label the rows in the listing. The values of the ID variables, Month and Week, are used to uniquely identify each row of the listing.
   id month week;
Specify the titles.
   title 'Weekly Sales of Iceboxes';
   title2 'for the';
   title3 'First Six Weeks of the Year';


The column headings in the listing are the variables' names. The plot uses the default plotting symbol, which is the first character of the plot variable's name.
Plot for a Single Variable
Weekly Sales of Iceboxes