The following tables list the QQPLOT statement options by function. For complete descriptions, see Dictionary of Options.
Table 5.67 summarizes the options for requesting a specific theoretical distribution.
Table 5.67: Options for Specifying a Theoretical Distribution
Option |
Description |
specifies beta Q-Q plot for shape parameters |
specifies exponential Q-Q plot |
specifies gamma Q-Q plot for shape parameter |
specifies Gumbel Q-Q plot |
specifies lognormal Q-Q plot for shape parameter |
specifies normal Q-Q plot |
specifies generalized Pareto Q-Q plot for shape parameter |
specifies power function Q-Q plot for shape parameter |
specifies Rayleigh Q-Q plot |
specifies three-parameter Weibull Q-Q plot for shape parameter c specified with mandatory C= Weibull-option |
specifies two-parameter Weibull Q-Q plot |
Table 5.68 summarizes options that specify parameter values for theoretical distributions and that control the display of a distribution reference line. Specify these options in parentheses after the distribution option. For example, the following statements use the NORMAL option to request a normal Q-Q plot with a specific distribution reference line. The MU= and SIGMA= normal-options display a distribution reference line with intercept 10 and slope 0.3. The COLOR= normal-option draws the line in red.
proc capability data=measures; qqplot length / normal(mu=10 sigma=0.3 color=red); run;
Table 5.68: Distribution Options
Option |
Description |
Distribution Reference Line Options |
specifies color of distribution reference line |
specifies line type of distribution reference line |
specifies plotting character for line printer plots |
specifies width of distribution reference line |
Beta-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Exponential-Options |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Gamma-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Gumbel-Options |
specifies reference line intercept |
specifies reference line slope |
Lognormal-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
specifies reference line slope |
Normal-Options |
specifies vertical reference lines at intersection of specification limits with distribution reference line |
rescales horizontal axis in |
specifies reference line intercept |
specifies reference line slope |
Pareto-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Power-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Rayleigh-Options |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Weibull-Options |
specifies mandatory shape parameter c |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies reference line intercept |
Weibull2-Options |
specifies |
specifies |
specifies reference line slope |
specifies known lower threshold |
Table 5.69 lists options that control the appearance of the plots.
Table 5.69: General QQPLOT Statement Options
Option |
Description |
General Plot Layout Options |
specifies table of contents entry for Q-Q plot grouping |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to the horizontal axis |
specifies labels for HREF= lines |
specifies LEGEND statement |
adjusts sample size (N) when computing quantiles |
suppresses frame around plotting area |
suppresses legend |
suppresses distribution reference line information in legend |
suppresses specifications information in legend |
adds a nonlinear percentile axis |
adds minor tick marks to percentile axis |
replaces theoretical quantiles with percentiles |
adjusts ranks when computing quantiles |
switches horizontal and vertical axes |
displays Q-Q plot in square format |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to the vertical axis |
specifies labels for VREF= lines |
Graphics Options |
specifies annotate data set |
specifies color for axis |
specifies color for frame |
specifies color for grid lines |
specifies colors for HREF= lines |
specifies colors for STATREF= lines |
specifies color for text |
specifies colors for VREF= lines |
specifies description for plot in graphics catalog |
specifies software font for text |
draws grid lines perpendicular to the quantile axis |
specifies height of text used outside framed areas |
specifies number of horizontal minor tick marks |
specifies vertical position of labels for HREF= lines |
specifies software font for text inside framed areas |
specifies height of text inside framed areas |
specifies a line type for grid lines |
specifies line styles for HREF= lines |
specifies line styles for STATREF= lines |
specifies line styles for VREF= lines |
specifies name for plot in graphics catalog |
suppresses label for horizontal axis |
suppresses label for vertical axis |
suppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for vertical axis |
specifies reference lines at values of summary statistics |
specifies labels for STATREF= lines |
specifies substitution character for displaying statistic values in STATREFLABELS= labels |
specifies AXIS statement for vertical axis |
specifies label for vertical axis |
specifies number of vertical minor tick marks |
specifies horizontal position of labels for VREF= lines |
specifies line thickness for axes and frame |
specifies thickness for grid lines |
Options for ODS Graphics Output |
specifies footnote displayed on Q-Q plot |
specifies secondary footnote displayed on Q-Q plot |
specifies title displayed on Q-Q plot |
specifies secondary title displayed on Q-Q plot |
Options for Comparative Plots |
applies annotation requested in ANNOTATE= data set to key cell only |
specifies color for filling frame for row labels |
specifies color for filling frame for column labels |
specifies color for proportion of frequency bar |
specifies color for row labels |
specifies color for column labels |
specifies distance between tiles |
specifies number of columns in comparative Q-Q plot |
specifies number of rows in comparative Q-Q plot |
overlays plots for different class levels (ODS Graphics only) |
Options to Enhance Line Printer Plots |
specifies line character for HREF= lines |
suppresses legend for hidden points |
specifies character for plotted points |
specifies character for VREF= lines |