The basic syntax for a one-sided (decision interval) scheme using the XCHART statement is as follows:
process subgroup-variable / SCHEME=ONESIDED MU0=target DELTA=shift H=h <options
The general form of this syntax is as follows:
processes subgroup-variable <(block-variables)><=symbol-variable =’character’> / SCHEME=ONESIDED MU0=target DELTA=shift H=h <options
Note that the options SCHEME=ONESIDED, MU0=, DELTA=, and H= are required unless their values are read from a LIMITS= data set.
The basic syntax for a two-sided (V-mask) scheme is as follows:
process subgroup-variable / MU0=target DELTA=shift ALPHA=alpha H=h <options
The general form of this syntax is as follows:
processes subgroup-variable <(block-variables)><=symbol-variable | = ’character’> / MU0=target DELTA=shift ALPHA=alpha H=h <options
Note that the options MU0=, DELTA=, and either ALPHA= or H= are required unless their values are read from a LIMITS= data set.
You can use any number of XCHART statements in the CUSUM procedure. The components of the XCHART statement are described as follows.
[15] For this reason, it may be preferable to read distinct cusum parameters for each process from a LIMITS= data set.