The purpose of spatial simulation is to produce a set of partial realizations of a spatial random field (SRF) in a way that preserves a specified mean
and covariance structure
. The realizations are partial in the sense that they occur only at a finite set of locations
. These locations are typically on a regular grid, but they can be arbitrary locations in the plane.
PROC SIM2D produces simulations for continuous processes in two dimensions by using the lower-upper (LU) decomposition method.
In these simulations the possible values of the measured quantity at location
can vary continuously over a certain range. An additional assumption, needed for computational purposes, is that the spatial
random field
is Gaussian. The section Details: SIM2D Procedure provides more information about different types of spatial simulation and associated computational methods.
Spatial simulation is different from spatial prediction, where the emphasis is on predicting a point value at a given grid
location. In this sense, spatial prediction is local. In contrast, spatial simulation is global; the emphasis is on the entire
realization .
Given the correct mean and covariance structure
, SRF quantities that are difficult or impossible to calculate in a spatial prediction context can easily be approximated
by functions of multiple simulations.