Let be the jth unit vector—that is, the jth entry of the vector is 1 and all other entries are 0. The hazard ratio for the explanatory variable with regression coefficient
is defined as
In general, a log-hazard ratio can be written as
, a linear combination of the regression coefficients, and the hazard ratio
is obtained by replacing
The confidence limits for the hazard ratio are calculated as
where is estimated covariance matrix, and
is the
percentile point of the standard normal distribution.
The construction of the profile-likelihood-based confidence interval is derived from the asymptotic distribution of the generalized likelihood ratio test of Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988). Suppose that the parameter vector is
and you want to compute a confidence interval for
. The profile-likelihood function for
is defined as
where is the set of all
with the jth element fixed at
, and
is the log-likelihood function for
. If
is the log likelihood evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimate
, then
has a limiting chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom if
is the true parameter value. Let
, where
is the
percentile of the chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom. A
% confidence interval for
The endpoints of the confidence interval are found by solving numerically for values of that satisfy equality in the preceding relation. To obtain an iterative algorithm for computing the confidence limits, the
log-likelihood function in a neighborhood of
is approximated by the quadratic function
where is the gradient vector and
is the Hessian matrix. The increment
for the next iteration is obtained by solving the likelihood equations
where is the Lagrange multiplier,
is the jth unit vector, and
is an unknown constant. The solution is
By substituting this into the equation
, you can estimate
The upper confidence limit for is computed by starting at the maximum likelihood estimate of
and iterating with positive values of
until convergence is attained. The process is repeated for the lower confidence limit, using negative values of
Convergence is controlled by value specified with the PLCONV= option in the MODEL statement (the default value of
is 1E–4). Convergence is declared on the current iteration if the following two conditions are satisfied:
The profile-likelihood confidence limits for the hazard ratio are obtained by exponentiating these confidence limits.