The proportional hazards model specifies that the hazard function for the failure time T associated with a column covariate vector
takes the form
where is an unspecified baseline hazard function and
is a
column vector of regression parameters. Lin, Wei, and Ying (1993) present graphical and numerical methods for model assessment based on the cumulative sums of martingale residuals and their
transforms over certain coordinates (such as covariate values or follow-up times). The distributions of these stochastic processes
under the assumed model can be approximated by the distributions of certain zero-mean Gaussian processes whose realizations
can be generated by simulation. Each observed residual pattern can then be compared, both graphically and numerically, with
a number of realizations from the null distribution. Such comparisons enable you to assess objectively whether the observed
residual pattern reflects anything beyond random fluctuation. These procedures are useful in determining appropriate functional
forms of covariates and assessing the proportional hazards assumption. You use the ASSESS statement to carry out these model-checking
For a sample of n subjects, let be the data of the ith subject; that is,
represents the observed failure time,
has a value of 1 if
is an uncensored time and 0 otherwise, and
is a p-vector of covariates. Let
. Let
Let be the maximum partial likelihood estimate of
, and let
be the observed information matrix.
The martingale residuals are defined as
where .
The empirical score process is a transform of the martingale residuals:
To check the functional form of the jth covariate, consider the partial-sum process of :
Under that null hypothesis that the model holds, can be approximated by the zero-mean Gaussian process
where are independent standard normal variables that are independent of
You can assess the functional form of the jth covariate by plotting a small number of realizations (the default is 20) of on the same graph as the observed
and visually comparing them to see how typical the observed pattern of
is of the null distribution samples. You can supplement the graphical inspection method with a Kolmogorov-type supremum test.
be the observed value of
and let
. The p-value
is approximated by
, which in turn is approximated by generating a large number of realizations (1000 is the default) of
Consider the standardized empirical score process for the jth component of
Under the null hypothesis that the model holds, can be approximated by
where is the jth component of
, and
are independent standard normal variables that are independent of
You can assess the proportional hazards assumption for the jth covariate by plotting a few realizations of on the same graph as the observed
and visually comparing them to see how typical the observed pattern of
is of the null distribution samples. Again you can supplement the graphical inspection method with a Kolmogorov-type supremum
test. Let
be the observed value of
and let
. The p-value
is approximated by
, which in turn is approximated by generating a large number of realizations (1000 is the default) of