Consider the linear model
where and
are p- and q-dimensional unknown parameters and
, are errors with unknown density function
. Let
, and let
be the parameter estimates for
, respectively at the
quantile. The covariance matrix
for the parameter estimates is partitioned correspondingly as
; and
Three tests are available in the QUANTREG procedure for the linear null hypothesis at the
The Wald test statistic, which is based on the estimated coefficients for the unrestricted model, is given by
where is an estimator of the covariance of
. The QUANTREG procedure provides two estimators for the covariance, as described in the previous section. The estimator that
is based on the asymptotic covariance is
where and
is the estimated sparsity function. The estimator that is based on the bootstrap covariance is the empirical covariance of
the MCMB samples.
The likelihood ratio test is based on the difference between the objective function values in the restricted and unrestricted
models. Let , and let
. Set
where is the estimated sparsity function.
The rank test statistic is given by
and is one of the following score functions:
Wilcoxon scores:
normal scores: , where
is the normal distribution function
sign scores:
tau scores: .
The rank test statistic , unlike Wald tests or likelihood ratio tests, requires no estimation of the nuisance parameter
under iid error models (Gutenbrunner et al., 1993).
Koenker and Machado (1999) prove that the three test statistics (, and
) are asymptotically equivalent and that their distributions converge to
under the null hypothesis, where q is the dimension of
After you obtain the parameter estimates for several quantiles specified in the MODEL statement, you can test whether there
are significant differences for the estimates for the same covariates across the quantiles. For example, if you want to test
whether the parameters are the same across quantiles, the null hypothesis
can be written as
, where
are the quantiles specified in the MODEL statement. See Koenker and Bassett (1982a) for details.