INFOMAPS Procedure

LIST Statement

Lists the key properties of business data in the current information map. The definitions are printed to the SAS log or to the computer console.


LIST <object-types>;

Optional Argument

specifies one or more of the following information map object types for which properties are listed:
lists the properties of all the data items, filters, data sources, and relationships defined in the current information map.
lists the properties of all the data items defined in the current information map. The properties include the name, ID, folder location, description, expression text, expression type, classification, format, and the default aggregation (if the classification is a measure) of each data item.
lists the properties of all the data sources defined in the current information map. The properties include data source (library.physical-table), data source ID, table or cube name, description, and whether the data source is designated as required.
lists the properties of all the filters defined in the current information map. The properties include the name, ID, folder location, description, and the conditional expression text of each filter.
lists the properties of all the relationships that are defined in the current information map. The properties include the ID, left table, right table, cardinality, join type, and the join expression text.
Default:_ALL_ is the default if you do not specify an option.


The following are representative sections of the LIST statement results for the information map in Example: Using the INFOMAPS Procedure and the Information Maps Engine.
LIST Statement Information for Data Sources
Total datasources: 3

    Data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    ID: Empinfo
    Name: EMPINFO
    Required data source: NO

    Data source: SAS Sample Data.JOBCODES
    ID: Jobcodes
    Name: JOBCODES
    Required data source: NO
LIST Statement Information for Data Items
Total data items: 9

    Data item name: Annual Salary
    ID: Annual Salary
    Folder: /Salary Info
    Description: Physical column SALARY
    Expression: <<Salary.Salary>>
    Expression type: NUMERIC
    Classification: MEASURE
    Format: DOLLAR12.
    Default aggregation: Sum

    Data item name: Department Code
    ID: Dept_code
    Folder: /
    Expression: SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3)
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: CATEGORY
LIST Statement Information for Filters
Total filters: 4

    Filter name: Cary HQ
    ID: Cary HQ
    Folder: /
    Description: Located in Cary, North Carolina HQ
    Expression: <<root.Location>>="Cary"

    Filter name: Education and Publications
    ID: Education and Publications
    Folder: /
    Description: Employees in Education and Publications
    Expression: SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3) IN ("EDU","PUB")
LIST Statement Information for Relationships
Total relationships: 2

    Relationship ID: JOIN_10
    Left data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    Right data source: SAS Sample Data.JOBCODES
    Cardinality: UNKNOWN
    Join type: INNER
    Join expression: (<<Empinfo.JOBCODE>>=<<Jobcodes.JOBCODE>>)

    Relationship ID: JOIN_11
    Left data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    Right data source: SAS Sample Data.SALARY
    Cardinality: UNKNOWN
    Join type: INNER
    Join expression: (<<Empinfo.Identification Number>>=<<Salary.Identification Number>>)