INFOMAPS Procedure


Connects to the specified metadata server.


PROC INFOMAPS <options>;

Summary of Optional Arguments

specifies an authentication domain to associate the user ID and password with.
specifies the location within the metadata server for the information map that you want to create, open, or delete.
specifies whether the user ID and password specified in the METAUSER= and METAPASS= system options are retrieved and used to connect to the metadata server when the METAUSER= and METAPASS= options for the PROC INFOMAPS statement are omitted.
specifies the password that corresponds to the user ID that connects to the metadata server.
specifies the TCP port that the metadata server is listening to for connections.
specifies the network IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer that hosts the metadata server.
specifies the user ID to connect to the metadata server.

Optional Arguments

specifies an authentication domain to associate the user ID and password with.
Default:If you do not specify an authentication domain, then the user ID and password are associated with the DefaultAuth authentication domain. For information about authentication, see "Understanding Authentication in the SAS Intelligence Platform" in SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.
specifies whether the INFOMAPS procedure terminates when a syntax or run-time error is encountered while the procedure is executed in batch mode. By default, the procedure continues to execute subsequent statements as it does in interactive mode, which can lead to the creation of invalid information maps. The ERRORSTOP option causes the procedure to exit with the SYSERR automatic macro variable set to XEXITERROR when an error is encountered.
Restriction:The ERRORSTOP option has no effect when the INFOMAPS procedure is used in interactive mode.
specifies the location within the metadata server for the information map that you want to create, open, or delete. After the connection is made, the location is stored so that you do not need to specify it again on subsequent statements such as NEW INFOMAP, UPDATE INFOMAP, DELETE INFOMAP, SAVE, or EXPORT. However, if you do specify a location on a subsequent statement in the same PROC INFOMAPS step, then that location overrides the stored location.
specifies whether the user ID and password specified in the METAUSER= and METAPASS= system options are retrieved and used to connect to the metadata server when the METAUSER= and METAPASS= options for the PROC INFOMAPS statement are omitted. By default, or when METACREDENTIALS=YES is specified, the system option values are used if they are available when the corresponding options for the PROC INFOMAPS statement are omitted. Specify METACREDENTIALS=NO to prevent the INFOMAPS procedure from using the system option values.
A typical situation in which you would specify METACREDENTIALS=NO is when the code containing the INFOMAPS procedure is being executed on a workspace server or stored process server. In such cases, the METAUSER= and METAPASS= system options contain a one-time user ID and password that have already been used by the server. A new one-time password must be generated in this situation. Specifying METACREDENTIALS=NO enables a connection to be established under the identity of the client user using a new one-time password.
specifies the password that corresponds to the user ID that connects to the metadata server. You can use the METAPASS= system option to specify a default password for connecting to the metadata server for the SAS session. See the METAPASS= system option in SAS Language Interfaces to Metadata.
If your metadata server supports single sign-on, you can omit the METAPASS= and METAUSER= options and connect through a trusted peer connection or through Integrated Windows Authentication. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.


metapass="My Password"


specifies the TCP port that the metadata server is listening to for connections.
Default:If this option is not specified, the value is obtained from the METAPORT= system option. See the METAPORT= system option in SAS Language Interfaces to Metadata.
specifies the network IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer that hosts the metadata server.


Default:If this option is not specified, the value is obtained from the METASERVER= system option. See the METASERVER= system option in SAS Language Interfaces to Metadata.
specifies the user ID to connect to the metadata server. You can use the METAUSER= system option to specify a default user ID for connecting to the metadata server for the SAS session. See the METAUSER= system option in SAS Language Interfaces to Metadata.
If your metadata server supports single sign-on, you can omit the METAUSER= and METAPASS= options and connect through a trusted peer connection or through Integrated Windows Authentication. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.



Restrictions:In the metadata server, you must have at least one login definition that contains a user ID that corresponds to the user ID that you specify here. For information about login definitions, see the User Manager Help for logins in the SAS Management Console.

If your metadata server runs in the Windows environment, then you must fully qualify the user ID by specifying the domain or machine name that you specified when your login object was created in the metadata server. For example, metauser="Windows-domain-name\user-ID".

Note:The user ID is not case sensitive.


proc infomaps