Let for
, where
represents the uniform distribution on the
interval. Let
be the correlation matrix with
parameters satisfying the positive semidefiniteness constraint. The normal copula can be written as
where is the distribution function of a standard normal random variable and
is the m-variate standard normal distribution with mean vector 0 and covariance matrix
. That is, the distribution
For the normal copula, the input of the simulation is the correlation matrix . The normal copula can be simulated by the following steps in which
denotes one random draw from the copula:
Generate a multivariate normal vector where
is an m-dimensional correlation matrix.
Transform the vector into
, where
is the distribution function of univariate standard normal.
The first step can be achieved by Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix where
is a lower triangular matrix with positive elements on the diagonal. If
, then
To fit a normal copula is to estimate the covariance matrix from an input sample data set. Given a random sample
, the log-likelihood function is
Here is the joint density of the multivariate normal with mean zero and variance
, and
is the univariate density of the standard normal distribution. Note that the second term is not related to the parameters
and, therefore, can be ignored during the optimization. The restriction that
is a correlation matrix is very inconvenient, and it is common practice to circumvent this problem by first assuming that
has the covariance form. Therefore,
can be estimated by
This estimate is consistent with the form of a covariance matrix but not necessarily with the form of a correlation matrix. The approximation to the original MLE problem can be obtained using the normalizing operator defined as follows: