requests that all plots appropriate for the particular analysis be produced.
displays the autocorrelation function plots of the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. The optional LAGS= suboption specifies the number (up to lag n) of autocorrelations to be plotted in the AUTOCORR plot. If this suboption is not specified, autocorrelations are plotted
up to lag 50.
displays the TRACE, AUTOCORR, and DENSITY plots. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the posterior distribution, prior distribution, and maximum likelihood estimates. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the kernel density plots of the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. If you specify the FRINGE suboption, a fringe plot is created on the X axis of the
kernel density plot.
produces the overdispersion diagnostic plot.
suppresses all plots.
produces the overall predictive probabilities of the specified count levels. You must also specify COUNTS in global-plot-options.
produces the predictive probability profiles of specified count levels against model regressors. The regressor on the X axis
is varied, whereas all other regressors are fixed at the mean of the observed data set.
produces the profile likelihood functions of the model parameters. The model parameter on the X axis is varied, whereas all
other parameters are fixed at their estimated maximum likelihood estimates.
displays the trace plots of the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. The SMOOTH suboption displays a fitted penalized B-spline curve for each trace plot.
produces the probability profiles of zero-inflation process selection and zero count prediction against model regressors.
The regressor on the X axis is varied, whereas all other regressors are fixed at the mean of the observed data set.