Features: |
ODS DOCUMENT statement option: NAME= DOC statement option: NAME=
DIR statement option : path Procedure output: PROC DOCUMENT |
ODS destinations: | DOCUMENT
options nodate nonumber;
data distrdata; drop n; label Normal_x='Normal Random Variable' Exponential_x='Exponential Random Variable'; do n=1 to 100; Normal_x=10*rannor(53124)+50; Exponential_x=ranexp(18746363); output; end; run;
ods document name=univ;
title '100 Obs Sampled from a Normal Distribution'; proc univariate data=distrdata noprint; var Normal_x; histogram Normal_x /normal(noprint) cbarline=grey name='normal'; run;
title '100 Obs Sampled from an Exponential Distribution'; proc univariate data=distrdata noprint; var Exponential_x; histogram /exp(fill l=3) cfill=yellow midpoints=.05 to 5.55 by .25 name='exp'; run;
ods document close; title;
proc document; doc; doc name=univ; list/levels=all;
dir \Univariate#2\Exponential_x#1\Histogram#1\Exponential#1; list; list fitquantiles/details; run;
data distrdata; drop n; label Normal_x='Normal Random Variable' Exponential_x='Exponential Random Variable'; do n=1 to 100; Normal_x=10*rannor(53124)+50; Exponential_x=ranexp(18746363); output; end; run;
title '100 Obs Sampled from a Normal Distribution'; proc univariate data=distrdata noprint; var Normal_x; histogram Normal_x /normal(noprint) cbarline=grey name='normal'; run;
title '100 Obs Sampled from an Exponential Distribution'; proc univariate data=distrdata noprint; var Exponential_x; histogram /exp(fill l=3) cfill=yellow midpoints=.05 to 5.55 by .25 name='exp'; run;