TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating a Style Template

Example 6: Importing a CSS File

DEFINE STYLE statement: :
CLASS statement
IMPORT statement: media-type
PARENT= statement
Other features:
Other ODS features::
ODS HTML statement
ODS PDF statement
ODS _ALL_ CLOSE statement


The following program imports the external CSS file StyleSheet.css and converts the CSS code into style elements and style attributes. These style elements and attributes then become part of the style.
Your CSS file can contain media blocks that correspond to the type of media that your output will be rendered on. The IMPORT statement enables you to specify one or more media blocks to be imported along with the rest of the CSS code. In this example, the Print media block is included in the style that is applied to the PDF output.
The following code is an example of the external CSS file StyleSheet.css. There are two media type blocks specified in this program, Print and Screen. Copy and paste this code into a text editor and save it as StyleSheet.css.
.body {
   background-color: white;
    color: black;
    font-family: times, serif;
.header, .rowheader, .footer, .rowfooter, .data {
    border: 1px black solid;
    color: black;
    cellpadding: 5px;
    font-family: times, serif;
.header, .rowheader, .footer, .rowfooter {
    background-color: #a0a0a0;
.table {
    background-color: #dddddd;
    border-spacing: 0;
    border: 1px black solid;
.proctitle {
    font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: x-large;
    font-weight: normal;

@media screen {

   .header, .rowheader, .footer, .rowfooter,{
      color: white;
      background-color: green;}
   .table {
      background-color: yellow;
      border-spacing: 0;
      font-size: small
      border: 1px black solid;

}@media print {

  .header, .rowheader, .footer, .rowfooter,{
      color: white;
      background-color: Blue;
      cellpadding: 5px;
  .data {
      font-size: small;


options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40 obs=10;
proc template;
define style styles.mycssstyle;
    import "StyleSheet.css";
    class data /
        color = red;
define style styles.mycssstyleprinter;
        import "StyleSheet.css" print;
ods html file="css.html" style=styles.mycssstyle;
ods pdf file="css.pdf" style=styles.mycssstyleprinter;

proc contents data=sashelp.class;
ods _all_ close;
ods html;

Program Description

Set the SAS system options.
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40 obs=10;
Define a style that imports a CSS file and defines style elements as well.The PROC TEMPLATE statement starts the TEMPLATE procedure. The DEFINE STYLE statement creates a new style called MyCssStyle. The IMPORT statement imports the CSS file StyleSheet.css, and converts the CSS code into ODS style elements and style attributes. Because no media-type option is specified, the Screen media block is imported along with the CSS code that is not in any media blocks. The Print media block is not imported. The CLASS statement specifies a red font color in the Data style element.
Specifying class data / color=red; is the same as specifying style data from data / color=red;.
proc template;
define style styles.mycssstyle;
    import "StyleSheet.css";
    class data /
        color = red;
Define a style that imports a CSS file that includes a specific media type templates. The DEFINE STYLE statement creates a new style called MyCssStylePrinter. The IMPORT statement imports the CSS file StyleSheet.css, and converts the CSS code into ODS style elements and style attributes. The Print option specifies that the Print media block be imported along with the CSS code that is not in any media blocks. The code in the Screen media block is not imported.
define style styles.mycssstyleprinter;
        import "StyleSheet.css" print;
Create HTML and PDF output and view the contents of the SAS data set. The ODS HTML and ODS PDF statements specify the destination to write to, the filename of the output, and the style to use. The CONTENTS procedure shows the contents of the SAS data set SasHelp.Class.
ods html file="css.html" style=styles.mycssstyle;
ods pdf file="css.pdf" style=styles.mycssstyleprinter;

proc contents data=sashelp.class;
Close the open destinations. The ODS _ALL_ CLOSE statement closes all open destinations and the files that are associated with them. If you do not close the destinations, then you will not be able to view the files.Specify the ODS HTML statement to return ODS to its default setup.
ods _all_ close;
ods html;


MyCssStyle Style
MyCssStyle Style
The yellow and green background colors, the white font color, the font size and border information all come from the Screen media block. The red font color comes from the CLASS statement. All other style information comes from the code outside of the media blocks. No information from the Print media block is used.
MyCssStyle Style Applied to HTML Output
MyCssStyle Style Applied to HTML Output
MyCssStylePrinter Style
proc template;
   define style Styles.Mycssstyleprinter / store = Sasuser.Templat;
      parent = styles.mycssstyle;
      class body /
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         color = #000000
         backgroundcolor = #FFFFFF;
      class header /
         backgroundcolor = #0000FF
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         paddingleft = 5px
         paddingbottom = 5px
         paddingright = 5px
         paddingtop = 5px
         color = #FFFFFF
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px;
      class rowheader /
         backgroundcolor = #0000FF
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         paddingleft = 5px
         paddingbottom = 5px
         paddingright = 5px
         paddingtop = 5px
         color = #FFFFFF
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px;
      class footer /
         backgroundcolor = #0000FF
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         paddingleft = 5px
         paddingbottom = 5px
         paddingright = 5px
         paddingtop = 5px
         color = #FFFFFF
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px;
      class rowfooter /
         backgroundcolor = #A0A0A0
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         paddingleft = 5px
         paddingbottom = 5px
         paddingright = 5px
         paddingtop = 5px
         color = #000000
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px;
      class data /
         fontsize = 3
         fontfamily = "times, serif"
         paddingleft = 5px
         paddingbottom = 5px
         paddingright = 5px
         paddingtop = 5px
         color = #000000
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px;
      class table /
         borderleftstyle = solid
         borderleftcolor = #000000
         borderleftwidth = 1px
         borderbottomstyle = solid
         borderbottomcolor = #000000
         borderbottomwidth = 1px
         borderrightstyle = solid
         borderrightcolor = #000000
         borderrightwidth = 1px
         bordertopstyle = solid
         bordertopcolor = #000000
         bordertopwidth = 1px
         borderspacing = 0
         backgroundcolor = #DDDDDD;
      class proctitle /
         fontweight = medium
         fontsize = 6
         fontfamily = "helvetica, sans-serif";
The white font, small font size, cell padding, and the blue background color all come from the Print media block. All other style information comes from the code outside of the media blocks. No information from the Screen media block is used.
MyCssStylePrinter Style Applied to PDF Output
MyCssStylePrinter Style Applied to PDF Output