REPORT Procedure

Example 3: Using Aliases to Obtain Multiple Statistics for the Same Variable


COLUMN statement: with aliases

COMPUTE statement arguments: AFTER

DEFINE statement options:
customizing column headings
LINE statement:
pointer controls
quoted text
repeating a character string
variable values and formats
writing a blank line
Other features:

automatic macro variables: SYSDATE

Data set: GROCERY
Formats: $MGRFMT



The customized summary at the end of this report displays the minimum and maximum values of Sales over all departments for stores in the southeast sector. To determine these values, PROC REPORT needs the MIN and MAX statistic for Sales in every row of the report. However, to keep the report simple, the display of these statistics is suppressed.


libname proclib
options fmtsearch=(proclib);
proc report data=grocery nowd headline headskip;
   column manager department sales
   define manager / order
   define department    / order
   define sales / analysis sum format=dollar7.2 'Sales';
   define salesmin / analysis min noprint;
   define salesmax / analysis max noprint;
   compute after;
      line ' ';
      line @7 53*'-';
      line @7 '| Departmental sales ranged from'
           salesmin dollar7.2  +1 'to' +1 salesmax dollar7.2
           '. |';
      line @7 53*'-';
   where sector='se';
   title 'Sales for the Southeast Sector';
   title2 "for &sysdate";

Program Description

Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used to store user-created formats.
libname proclib
Specify the format search library.The SAS system option FMTSEARCH= adds the SAS library PROCLIB to the search path that is used to locate formats.
options fmtsearch=(proclib);
Specify the report options. The NOWD option runs PROC REPORT without the REPORT window and sends its output to the open output destinations. HEADLINE underlines all column headings and the spaces between them at the top of each page of the report. HEADSKIP writes a blank line beneath the underlining that HEADLINE writes.
proc report data=grocery nowd headline headskip;
Specify the report columns. The report contains columns for Manager and Department. It also contains three columns for Sales. The column specifications SALES=SALESMIN and SALES=SALESMAX create aliases for Sales. These aliases enable you to use a separate definition of Sales for each of the three columns.
   column manager department sales
Define the sort order variables. The values of all variables with the ORDER option in the DEFINE statement determine the order of the rows in the report. In this report, PROC REPORT arranges the rows first by the value of Manager (because it is the first variable in the COLUMN statement) and then by the values of Department. The ORDER= option specifies the sort order for a variable. This report arranges the values of Manager by their formatted values and arranges the values of Department by their internal values (np1, np2, p1, and p2). FORMAT= specifies the formats to use in the report. Text in quotation marks specifies column headings.
   define manager / order
   define department    / order
Define the analysis variable. The value of an analysis variable in any row of a report is the value of the statistic that is associated with it (in this case Sum), calculated for all observations that are represented by that row. In a detail report each row represents only one observation. Therefore, the Sum statistic is the same as the value of Sales for that observation in the input data set.
   define sales / analysis sum format=dollar7.2 'Sales';
Define additional analysis variables for use in the summary. These DEFINE statements use aliases from the COLUMN statement to create separate columns for the MIN and MAX statistics for the analysis variable Sales. NOPRINT suppresses the printing of these statistics. Although PROC REPORT does not print these values in columns, it has access to them so that it can print them in the summary.
   define salesmin / analysis min noprint;
   define salesmax / analysis max noprint;
Print a horizontal line at the end of the report. This COMPUTE statement begins a compute block that executes at the end of the report. The first LINE statement writes a blank line. The second LINE statement writes 53 hyphens (-), beginning in column 7. Note that the pointer control (@) has no effect on ODS destinations other than traditional SAS monospace output.
   compute after;
      line ' ';
      line @7 53*'-';
Produce a customized summary. The first line of this LINE statement writes the text in quotation marks, beginning in column 7. The second line writes the value of Salesmin with the DOLLAR7.2 format, beginning in the next column. The cursor then moves one column to the right (+1), where PROC REPORT writes the text in quotation marks. Again, the cursor moves one column to the right, and PROC REPORT writes the value of Salesmax with the DOLLAR7.2 format. (Note that the program must reference the variables by their aliases.) The third line writes the text in quotation marks, beginning in the next column. Note that the pointer control (@) is designed for the Listing destination (traditional SAS output). It has no effect on ODS destinations other than traditional SAS monospace output. The ENDCOMP statement ends the compute block.
      line @7 '| Departmental sales ranged from'
           salesmin dollar7.2  +1 'to' +1 salesmax dollar7.2
           '. |';
      line @7 53*'-';
Select the observations to process. The WHERE statement selects for the report only the observations for stores in the southeast sector.
   where sector='se';
Specify the titles. SYSDATE is an automatic macro variable that returns the date when the SAS job or SAS session began. The TITLE2 statement uses double rather than single quotation marks so that the macro variable resolves.
   title 'Sales for the Southeast Sector';
   title2 "for &sysdate";


Sales for the Southeast Sector