COEFFPRIOR=UNIFORM | NORMAL <(normal-options)>
specifies the prior distribution for the regression coefficients. The default is COEFFPRIOR=UNIFORM. The available prior distributions
are as follows:
specifies a normal distribution. The normal-options include the following:
specifies that the normal prior, conditional on the current Markov chain value of the location-scale model precision parameter
, is
, where
are the mean and covariance of the normal prior specified by other normal options.
INPUT= SAS-data-set
specifies a SAS data set that contains the mean and covariance information of the normal prior. The data set must have a _TYPE_
variable to represent the type of each observation and a variable for each regression coefficient. If the data set also contains
a _NAME_
variable, the values of this variable are used to identify the covariances for the _TYPE_
=’COV’ observations; otherwise, the _TYPE_
=’COV’ observations are assumed to be in the same order as the explanatory variables in the MODEL statement. PROC LIFEREG
reads the mean vector from the observation with _TYPE_
=’MEAN’ and reads the covariance matrix from observations with _TYPE_
=’COV’. For an independent normal prior, the variances can be specified with _TYPE_
=’VAR’; alternatively, the precisions (inverse of the variances) can be specified with _TYPE_
specifies the normal prior
, where
is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements equal to the variances of the corresponding ML estimator. By default,
specifies the normal prior
, where
is the identity matrix.
If you do not specify an option, the normal prior
, where
is the identity matrix, is used. See the section Normal Prior for more details.
specifies a flat prior—that is, the prior that is proportional to a constant (
for all
DIAGNOSTICS=ALL | NONE | (keyword-list)
DIAG=ALL | NONE | (keyword-list)
controls the number of diagnostics produced. You can request all the following diagnostics by specifying DIAGNOSTICS=ALL.
If you do not want any of these diagnostics, specify DIAGNOSTICS=NONE. If you want some but not all of the diagnostics, or
if you want to change certain settings of these diagnostics, specify a subset of the following keywords. The default is DIAGNOSTICS=(AUTOCORR
AUTOCORR <(LAGS= numeric-list)>
computes the autocorrelations of lags given by LAGS= list for each parameter. Elements in the list are truncated to integers
and repeated values are removed. If the LAGS= option is not specified, autocorrelations of lags 1, 5, 10, and 50 are computed
for each variable. See the section Autocorrelations for details.
computes Carlin’s estimate of the effective sample size, the correlation time, and the efficiency of the chain for each parameter.
See the section Effective Sample Size for details.
GELMAN <(gelman-options)>
computes the Gelman and Rubin convergence diagnostics. You can specify one or more of the following gelman-options:
specifies the number of parallel chains used to compute the diagnostic, and must be 2 or larger. The default is NCHAIN=3.
If an INITIAL= data set is used, NCHAIN defaults to the number of rows in the INITIAL= data set. If any number other than
this is specified with the NCHAIN= option, the NCHAIN= value is ignored.
specifies the significance level for the upper bound. The default is ALPHA=0.05, resulting in a 97.5% bound.
See the section Gelman and Rubin Diagnostics for details.
GEWEKE <(geweke-options)>
computes the Geweke spectral density diagnostics, which are essentially a two-sample t test between the first
portion and the last
portion of the chain. The default is
, but you can choose other fractions by using the following geweke-options:
specifies the fraction
for the first window.
specifies the fraction
for the second window.
See the section Geweke Diagnostics for details.
HEIDELBERGER <(heidel-options)>
computes the Heidelberger and Welch diagnostic for each variable, which consists of a stationarity test of the null hypothesis
that the sample values form a stationary process. If the stationarity test is not rejected, a halfwidth test is then carried
out. Optionally, you can specify one or more of the following heidel-options:
See the section Heidelberger and Welch Diagnostics for details.
computes the Monte Carlo standard error for each parameter. The Monte Caro standard error, which measures the simulation accuracy,
is the standard error of the posterior mean estimate and is calculated as the posterior standard deviation divided by the
square root of the effective sample size. See the section Standard Error of the Mean Estimate for details.
computes the Raftery and Lewis diagnostics that evaluate the accuracy of the estimated quantile (
for a given
) of a chain.
can achieve any degree of accuracy when the chain is allowed to run for a long time. A stopping criterion is when the estimated
reaches within
of the value Q with probability S; that is,
. The following raftery-options enable you to specify
, and a precision level
for the test:
QUANTILE | Q=value
specifies the order (a value between 0 and 1) of the quantile of interest. The default is 0.025.
ACCURACY | R=value
specifies a small positive number as the margin of error for measuring the accuracy of estimation of the quantile. The default
is 0.005.
specifies the probability of attaining the accuracy of the estimation of the quantile. The default is 0.95.
specifies the tolerance level (a small positive number) for the stationary test. The default is 0.001.
See the section Raftery and Lewis Diagnostics for details.
specifies that Gibbs sampling be performed on the exponential distribution scale parameter and the prior distribution for
the scale parameter. This prior distribution applies only when the exponential distribution and no covariates are specified.
A gamma prior
with density
is specified by EXPSCALEPRIOR=GAMMA, which can be followed by one of the following gamma-options enclosed in parentheses. The hyperparameters a and b are the shape and inverse-scale parameters of the gamma distribution, respectively. See the section Gamma Prior for more details. The default is
An improper prior with density
proportional to
specifies the prior distribution for the gamma distribution shape parameter. If you do not specify any options in a gamma
model, the
prior for the shape is used. You can specify MEAN= and VAR= or RELVAR= options, either alone or together, to specify the
mean and variance of the normal prior for the gamma shape parameter.
specifies the SAS data set that contains the initial values of the Markov chains. The INITIAL= data set must contain all the
variables of the model. You can specify multiple rows as the initial values of the parallel chains for the Gelman-Rubin statistics,
but posterior summaries, diagnostics, and plots are computed only for the first chain. If the data set also contains the variable
, the value of the _SEED_
variable is used as the seed of the random number generator for the corresponding chain.
specifies that maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters be used as initial values of the Markov chain. If this
option is not specified, estimates of the mode of the posterior distribution obtained by optimization are used as initial
specifies the use of a Metropolis step to generate Gibbs samples for posterior distributions that are not log concave. The
default value is METROPOLIS=YES.
specifies the number of burn-in iterations before the chains are saved. The default is 2000.
specifies the number of iterations after the burn-in. The default is 10000.
names the SAS data set that contains the posterior samples. See the section OUTPOST= Output Data Set for more information. Alternatively, you can create the output data set by specifying an ODS OUTPUT statement as follows:
PLOTS<(global-plot-options)>= plot-request
PLOTS<(global-plot-options)>= (plot-request < …plot-request>)
controls the display of diagnostic plots. Three types of plots can be requested: trace plots, autocorrelation function plots,
and kernel density plots. By default, the plots are displayed in panels unless the global plot option UNPACK is specified.
Also, when specifying more than one type of plots, the plots are displayed by parameters unless the global plot option GROUPBY
is specified. When you specify only one plot request, you can omit the parentheses around the plot request. For example:
plots=(trace autocorr)
ODS Graphics must be enabled before plots can be requested. For example:
ods graphics on;
proc lifereg;
model y=x;
bayes plots=trace;
ods graphics off;
For more information about enabling and disabling ODS Graphics, see the section Enabling and Disabling ODS Graphics in Chapter 21: Statistical Graphics Using ODS.
The global plot options are as follows:
creates a fringe plot on the X axis of the density plot.
specifies how the plots are grouped when there is more than one type of plot.
specifies that the plots be grouped by type.
specifies that the plots be grouped by parameter.
GROUPBY=PARAMETER is the default.
specifies that autocorrelations be plotted up to lag n. If this option is not specified, autocorrelations are plotted up to lag 50.
displays a fitted penalized B-spline curve for each trace plot.
specifies that all paneled plots be unpacked, meaning that each plot in a panel is displayed separately.
The plot requests include the following:
specifies all types of plots. PLOTS=ALL is equivalent to specifying PLOTS=(TRACE AUTOCORR DENSITY).
displays the autocorrelation function plots for the parameters.
displays the kernel density plots for the parameters.
suppresses all diagnostic plots.
displays the trace plots for the parameters. See the section Visual Analysis via Trace Plots for details.
specifies that Gibbs sampling be performed on the location-scale model scale parameter and the prior distribution for the
scale parameter.
A gamma prior
with density
is specified by SCALEPRIOR=GAMMA, which can be followed by one of the following gamma-options enclosed in parentheses. The hyperparameters a and b are the shape and inverse-scale parameters of the gamma distribution, respectively. See the section Gamma Prior for details. The default is
specifies an integer seed in the range 1 to
for the random number generator in the simulation. Specifying a seed enables you to reproduce identical Markov chains for
the same specification. If the SEED= option is not specified, or if you specify a nonpositive seed, a random seed is derived
from the time of day.
STATISTICS <(global-options)> = ALL | NONE | keyword | (keyword-list)
STATS <(global-statoptions)> = ALL | NONE | keyword | (keyword-list)
controls the number of posterior statistics produced. Specifying STATISTICS=ALL is equivalent to specifying STATISTICS= (SUMMARY INTERVAL COV CORR). If you do not want any posterior
statistics, you specify STATISTICS=NONE. The default is STATISTICS=(SUMMARY INTERVAL). See the section Summary Statistics for details. The global-options include the following:
controls the probabilities of the credible intervals. The ALPHA= values must be between 0 and 1. Each ALPHA= value produces
a pair of 100(1–ALPHA)% equal-tail and HPD intervals for each parameters. The default is ALPHA=0.05, which yields the 95%
credible intervals for each parameter.
requests the percentile points of the posterior samples. The PERCENT= values must be between 0 and 100. The default is PERCENT=25,
50, 75, which yields the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile points, respectively, for each parameter.
The list of keywords includes the following:
produces the posterior correlation matrix.
produces the posterior covariance matrix.
produces the means, standard deviations, and percentile points for the posterior samples. The default is to produce the 25th,
50th, and 75th percentile points, but you can use the global PERCENT= option to request specific percentile points.
produces equal-tail credible intervals and HPD intervals. The default is to produce the 95% equal-tail credible intervals
and 95% HPD intervals, but you can use the global ALPHA= option to request intervals of any probabilities.
suppresses printing all summary statistics.
controls the thinning of the Markov chain. Only one in every k samples is used when THINNING=k, and if NBI=
and NMC=n, the number of samples kept is
where [a] represents the integer part of the number a. The default is THINNING=1.
specifies that Gibbs sampling be performed on the Weibull model scale parameter and the prior distribution for the scale parameter.
This option applies only when a Weibull distribution and no covariates are specified. When this option is specified, PROC
LIFEREG performs Gibbs sampling on the Weibull scale parameter, which is defined as
, where
is the intercept term.
A gamma prior
is specified by WEIBULLSCALEPRIOR=GAMMA, which can be followed by one of the following gamma-options enclosed in parentheses. The gamma probability density is given by
. The hyperparameters a and b are the shape and inverse-scale parameters of the gamma distribution, respectively. See the section Gamma Prior for details about the gamma prior. The default is
specifies that Gibbs sampling be performed on the Weibull model shape parameter and the prior distribution for the shape parameter.
When this option is specified, PROC LIFEREG performs Gibbs sampling on the Weibull shape parameter, which is defined as
, where
is the location-scale model scale parameter.
A gamma prior
with density
is specified by WEIBULLSHAPEPRIOR=GAMMA, which can be followed by one of the following gamma-options enclosed in parentheses. The hyperparameters a and b are the shape and inverse-scale parameters of the gamma distribution, respectively. See the section Gamma Prior for details about the gamma prior. The default is