This example, which is a continuation of Example 4.31, demonstrates techniques for estimating the shape, location, and scale parameters, and the theoretical percentiles for a two-parameter lognormal distribution.
If the threshold parameter is known, you can construct a two-parameter lognormal Q-Q plot by subtracting the threshold from the data values and making a normal Q-Q plot of the log-transformed differences, as illustrated in the following statements:
data ModifiedMeasures; set Measures; LogDiameter = log(Diameter-5); label LogDiameter = 'log(Diameter-5)'; run;
symbol v=plus; title 'Two-Parameter Lognormal Q-Q Plot for Diameters'; ods graphics off; proc univariate data=ModifiedMeasures noprint; qqplot LogDiameter / normal(mu=est sigma=est) square vaxis=axis1; inset n mean (5.3) std (5.3) / pos = nw header = 'Summary Statistics'; axis1 label=(a=90 r=0); run;
Because the point pattern in Output 4.33.1 is linear, you can estimate the lognormal parameters and
as the normal plot estimates of
, which are
0.99 and 0.51. These values correspond to the previous estimates of
0.92 for
and 0.5 for
from Example 4.31. A sample program for this example,, is available in the SAS Sample Library for Base SAS software.