FORMAT Procedure

Example 9: Writing Ranges for Character Strings


VALUE statement

This example creates a format and shows how to use ranges with character strings.


libname proclib'SAS-library';
data train;
   set proclib.staff(keep=name idnumber);
proc print data=train noobs;
   title 'The TRAIN Data Set without a Format';

Program Description

libname proclib'SAS-library';
Create the TRAIN data set from the PROCLIB.STAFF data set. PROCLIB.STAFF was created in Create the Example Data Set.
data train;
   set proclib.staff(keep=name idnumber);
Print the data set TRAIN without a format. The NOOBS option suppresses the printing of observation numbers.
proc print data=train noobs;
Specify the title.
   title 'The TRAIN Data Set without a Format';


The TRAIN Data Set without a Format
The TRAIN Data Set without a Format
Store the format in WORK.FORMATS. Because the LIBRARY= option does not appear, the format is stored in WORK.FORMATS and is available only for the current SAS session.
proc format;
Create the $SkillTest. format. The $SKILL. format prints each employee's identification number and the skills test that they have been assigned. Employees must take either TEST A, TEST B, or TEST C, depending on their last name. The exclusion operator (<) excludes the last value in the range. Thus, the first range includes employees whose last name begins with any letter from A through D, and the second range includes employees whose last name begins with any letter from E through M. The tilde (~) in the last range is necessary to include an entire string that begins with the letter Z.
   value $skilltest  'a'-<'e','A'-<'E'='Test A'
                 'e'-<'m','E'-<'M'='Test B'
                 'm'-'z~','M'-'Z~'='Test C';
Generate a report of the TRAIN data set. The FORMAT= option in the DEFINE statement associates $SkillTest. with the NAME variable. The column that contains the formatted values of NAME is using the alias Test. Using an alias enables you to print a variable twice, once with a format and once with the default format. See for more information about PROC REPORT.
proc report data=train nowd headskip;
   column name name=test idnumber;
   define test / display format=$skilltest. 'Test';
   define idnumber / center;
   title 'Test Assignment for Each Employee';


Test Assignment for Each Employee
Test Assignment for Each Employee