PLOT Procedure

Example 7: Producing a Contour Plot


PLOT statement option:: CONTOUR=

This example shows how to represent the values of three variables with a two-dimensional plot by setting one of the variables as the CONTOUR variable. The variables X and Y appear on the axes, and Z is the contour variable. Program statements are used to generate the observations for the plot, and the following equation describes the contour surface:


options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
data contours;
   format Z 5.1;
   do X=0 to 400 by 5;
      do Y=0 to 350 by 10;
proc print data=contours(obs=5) noobs;
   title 'CONTOURS Data Set';
   title2 'First 5 Observations Only';
                       CONTOURS Data Set                       1
                   First 5 Observations Only

                            Z    X     Y

                         46.2    0     0
                         47.2    0    10
                         48.0    0    20
                         48.8    0    30
                         49.4    0    40
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
proc plot data=contours;
plot y*x=z / contour=10;
    title 'A Contour Plot';

Program Description

Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Create the CONTOURS data set.
data contours;
   format Z 5.1;
   do X=0 to 400 by 5;
      do Y=0 to 350 by 10;
Print the CONTOURS data set. The OBS= data set option limits the printing to only the first 5 observations. NOOBS suppresses printing of the observation numbers.
proc print data=contours(obs=5) noobs;
   title 'CONTOURS Data Set';
   title2 'First 5 Observations Only';
CONTOURS data set.CONTOURS contains observations with values of X that range from 0 to 400 by 5 and with values of Y that range from 0 to 350 by 10.
                       CONTOURS Data Set                       1
                   First 5 Observations Only

                            Z    X     Y

                         46.2    0     0
                         47.2    0    10
                         48.0    0    20
                         48.8    0    30
                         49.4    0    40
Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Create the plot. The plot request plots Y on the vertical axis, plots X on the horizontal axis, and specifies Z as the contour variable. CONTOUR=10 specifies that the plot will divide the values of Z into ten increments, and each increment will have a different plotting symbol.
proc plot data=contours;
plot y*x=z / contour=10;
Specify the title.
    title 'A Contour Plot';


The shadings associated with the values of Z appear at the bottom of the plot. The plotting symbol # shows where high values of Z occur.
CONTOURS Data Set, First Five Observations
CONTOURS Data Set, First 5 Observations Only
Contour Plot of Y*X
Contour plot of Y*X