PLOT Procedure

Example 8: Plotting BY Groups


PLOT statement option:: HREF=

Other features:

BY statement

This example shows BY-group processing in PROC PLOT.


options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
data education;
   input State $14. +1 Code $ DropoutRate Expenditures MathScore
         Region $;
   label dropout='Dropout Percentage - 1989'
          expend='Expenditure Per Pupil - 1989'
            math='8th Grade Math Exam - 1990';
Alabama        AL 22.3 3197 252 SE
Alaska         AK 35.8 7716 .   W
...more data lines...
New York       NY 35.0 .    261 NE
North Carolina NC 31.2 3874 250 SE
North Dakota   ND 12.1 3952 281 MW
Ohio           OH 24.4 4649 264 MW
proc sort data=education;
   by region;
proc plot data=education;
   by region;
    plot expenditures*dropoutrate='*' / href=28.6
         vaxis=by 500 vspace=5
         haxis=by 5 hspace=12;
    title 'Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil';

Program Description

Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Create the EDUCATION data set. EDUCATION contains educational data (Source: U.S. Department of Education) about some U.S. states. DropoutRate is the percentage of high school dropouts. Expenditures is the dollar amount the state spends on each pupil. MathScore is the score of eighth-grade students on a standardized math test. Not all states participated in the math test. The EDUCATION DATA step creates this data set.
data education;
   input State $14. +1 Code $ DropoutRate Expenditures MathScore
         Region $;
   label dropout='Dropout Percentage - 1989'
          expend='Expenditure Per Pupil - 1989'
            math='8th Grade Math Exam - 1990';
Alabama        AL 22.3 3197 252 SE
Alaska         AK 35.8 7716 .   W
...more data lines...
New York       NY 35.0 .    261 NE
North Carolina NC 31.2 3874 250 SE
North Dakota   ND 12.1 3952 281 MW
Ohio           OH 24.4 4649 264 MW
Sort the EDUCATION data set. PROC SORT sorts EDUCATION by Region so that Region can be used as the BY variable in PROC PLOT.
proc sort data=education;
   by region;
Create a separate plot for each BY group. The BY statement creates a separate plot for each value of Region.
proc plot data=education;
   by region;
Create the plot with a reference line. The plot request plots Expenditures on the vertical axis, plots DropoutRate on the horizontal axis, and specifies an asterisk as the plotting symbol. HREF= draws a reference line that extends from 28.6 on the horizontal axis. The reference line represents the national average. VAXIS and HAXIS are used to set the tick marks along the vertical and horizontal axes.
    plot expenditures*dropoutrate='*' / href=28.6
         vaxis=by 500 vspace=5
         haxis=by 5 hspace=12;
Specify the title.
    title 'Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil';


PROC PLOT produces a plot for each BY group. Only the plots for Midwest and Northeast are shown.
Plot for Each BY Group, Midwest Region
Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil, Region=MW
Plot for Each BY Group, Northeast Region
Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil, Region=NE