PLOT Procedure
Example 12: Adjusting Labeling on a Plot with a Macro
Features: |
- PLOT statement options :
- label variable in plot request
Data set: |
This example illustrates
the default placement of labels and uses a macro to adjust the placement
of labels. The labels are values of a variable in the data set.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
%macro place(n);
%if &n > 13 %then %let n = 13;
%if &n <= 0 %then (s=center); %else (h=2 -2 : s=right left);
%if &n = 1 %then (v=1 * h=0 -1 to -2 by alt);
%else %if &n = 2 %then (v=1 -1 * h=0 -1 to -5 by alt);
%else %if &n > 2 %then (v=1 to 2 by alt * h=0 -1 to -10 by alt);
%if &n > 3 %then
(s=center right left * v=0 1 to %eval(&n - 2) by alt *
h=0 -1 to %eval(-3 * (&n - 2)) by alt *
l=1 to %eval(2 + (10 * &n - 35) / 30)); )
%if &n > 4 %then penalty(7)=%eval((3 * &n) / 2);
proc plot data=census;
plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
haxis=by 1000
vaxis=by 250
title 'A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates';
Program Description
Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting
FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is
viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are
not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Use conditional logic to determine placement.The %PLACE macro provides an alternative to using
the PLACEMENT= option. The higher the value of n , the more freedom
PROC PLOT has to place labels.
%macro place(n);
%if &n > 13 %then %let n = 13;
%if &n <= 0 %then (s=center); %else (h=2 -2 : s=right left);
%if &n = 1 %then (v=1 * h=0 -1 to -2 by alt);
%else %if &n = 2 %then (v=1 -1 * h=0 -1 to -5 by alt);
%else %if &n > 2 %then (v=1 to 2 by alt * h=0 -1 to -10 by alt);
%if &n > 3 %then
(s=center right left * v=0 1 to %eval(&n - 2) by alt *
h=0 -1 to %eval(-3 * (&n - 2)) by alt *
l=1 to %eval(2 + (10 * &n - 35) / 30)); )
%if &n > 4 %then penalty(7)=%eval((3 * &n) / 2);
Create the plot.The plot
request plots Density on the vertical axis, CrimeRate on the horizontal
axis, and uses the first letter of the value of State as the plotting
symbol. The label variable specification ($ state ) in the PLOT statement
t labels each point with the corresponding state name.
proc plot data=census;
plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
Specify plot options. BOX
draws a box around the plot. LIST= lists the labels that have penalties
greater than or equal to 1. HAXIS= and VAXIS= specify increments only.
PROC PLOT uses the data to determine the range for the axes. The PLACE
macro determines the placement of the labels.
haxis=by 1000
vaxis=by 250
title 'A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates';
Plot with Labels Placed Using a Macro
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