Excludes that observation
from the table(footnote1)
proc format; value cntryfmt 1='United States' 2='Japan'; value compfmt 1='Supercomputer' 2='Mainframe' 3='Midrange' 4='Workstation' 5='Personal Computer' 6='Laptop'; run;
data comprev; input Country Computer Rev90 Rev91 Rev92; datalines; 1 1 788.8 877.6 944.9 1 2 12538.1 9855.6 8527.9 1 3 9815.8 6340.3 8680.3 1 4 3147.2 3474.1 3722.4 1 5 18660.9 18428.0 23531.1 2 1 469.9 495.6 448.4 2 2 5697.6 6242.4 5382.3 2 3 5392.1 5668.3 4845.9 2 4 1511.6 1875.5 1924.5 2 5 4746.0 4600.8 4363.7 ;
proc tabulate data=comprev; class country computer; var rev90 rev91 rev92; table computer*country,rev90 rev91 rev92 / rts=32; format country cntryfmt. computer compfmt.; title 'Revenues from Computer Sales'; title2 'for 1990 to 1992'; run;
proc tabulate data=compmiss; class country computer; var rev90 rev91 rev92; table computer*country,rev90 rev91 rev92 / rts=32; format country cntryfmt. computer compfmt.; title 'Revenues from Computer Sales'; title2 'for 1990 to 1992'; run;
. This category no longer exists. By default, PROC TABULATE
ignores observations with missing values for a class variable, so
this table contains one less row than Computer Sales Data: No Missing Values.proc format; value misscomp 1='Supercomputer' 2='Mainframe' 3='Midrange' 4='Workstation' 5='Personal Computer' 6='Laptop' .='No type given'; run;
No type given
and for United
or for Midrange
and for Japan
there are no data in these categories. If you
want the table to represent all possible categories, then use the
PRINTMISS option in the TABLE statement, as shown in the following
program. (See the following figure.)
is the first value
for Food in the group of observations where Animal=dog
all other values for Food appear before bones
the data set because bones
never appears
when Animal=cat
. Therefore, the heading for bones
the table in the following figure is not in alphabetical order.