TABULATE Procedure

Concepts: TABULATE Procedure

Terminology: TABULATE Procedure

The following figures illustrate some of the terms that are commonly used in discussions of PROC TABULATE.
Parts of a PROC TABULATE Table
Parts of a PROC TABULATE Table
PROC TABULATE Table Dimensions
PROC TABULATE Table Dimensions
In addition, the following terms frequently appear in discussions of PROC TABULATE:
the combination of unique values of class variables. The TABULATE procedure creates a separate category for each unique combination of values that exists in the observations of the data set. Each category that is created by PROC TABULATE is represented by one or more cells in the table where the pages, rows, and columns that describe the category intersect.
The table in Parts of a PROC TABULATE Table contains three class variables: Region, Division, and Type. These class variables form the eight categories listed in the following table. (For convenience, the categories are described in terms of their formatted values.)
Categories Created from Three Class Variables
New England
Residential Customers
New England
Business Customers
Middle Atlantic
Residential Customers
Middle Atlantic
Business Customers
Residential Customers
Business Customers
Residential Customers
Business Customers
continuation message
the text that appears below the table if it spans multiple physical pages.
nested variable
a variable whose values appear in the table with each value of another variable.
In Parts of a PROC TABULATE Table, Division is nested under Region.
page dimension text
the text that appears above the table if the table has a page dimension. However, if you specify BOX=_PAGE_ in the TABLE statement, then the text that would appear above the table appears in the box. In PROC TABULATE Table Dimensions, the word Year:, followed by the value, is the page dimension text.
Page dimension text has a style. The default style is Beforecaption. For more information about using styles, see Introduction to the Output Delivery System in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide.
the group of cells that is produced by crossing a single element from each dimension of the TABLE statement when one or more dimensions contain concatenated elements.
Parts of a PROC TABULATE Table contains no subtables. For an illustration of a table that consists of multiple subtables, see Using Denominator Definitions to Display Basic Frequency Counts and Percentages.

Statistics That Are Available in PROC TABULATE

Use the following keywords to request statistics in the TABLE statement or to specify statistic keywords in the KEYWORD or KEYLABEL statement.
Note: If a variable name (class or analysis) and a statistic name are the same, then enclose the statistic name in single quotation marks (for example, 'MAX').
Descriptive statistic keywords
Quantile statistic keywords
Q3 | P75
Hypothesis testing keywords
These statistics, the formulas that are used to calculate them, and their data requirements are discussed in the Keywords and Formulas section of this document.
To compute standard error of the mean (STDERR) or Student's t-test, you must use the default value of the VARDEF= option, which is DF. The VARDEF= option is specified in the PROC TABULATE statement.
To compute weighted quantiles, you must use QMETHOD=OS in the PROC TABULATE statement.
Use both LCLM and UCLM to compute a two-sided confidence limit for the mean. Use only LCLM or UCLM to compute a one-sided confidence limit. Use the ALPHA= option in the PROC TABULATE statement to specify a confidence level.

Formatting Class Variables

Use the FORMAT statement to assign a format to a class variable for the duration of a PROC TABULATE step. When you assign a format to a class variable, PROC TABULATE uses the formatted values to create categories, and it uses the formatted values in headings. If you do not specify a format for a class variable, and the variable does not have any other format assigned to it, then the default format, BEST12., is used, unless the GROUPINTERNAL option is specified.
User-defined formats are particularly useful for grouping values into fewer categories. For example, if you have a class variable, Age, with values ranging from 1 to 99, then you could create a user-defined format that groups the ages so that your tables contain a manageable number of categories. The following PROC FORMAT step creates a format that condenses all possible values of age into six groups of values.
proc format;
   value agefmt  0-29='Under 30'
                other='70 or over';
For information about creating user-defined formats, see FORMAT Procedure.
By default, PROC TABULATE includes in a table only those formats for which the frequency count is not zero and for which values are not missing. To include missing values for all class variables in the output, use the MISSING option in the PROC TABULATE statement, and to include missing values for selected class variables, use the MISSING option in a CLASS statement. To include formats for which the frequency count is zero, use the PRELOADFMT option in a CLASS statement and the PRINTMISS option in the TABLE statement, or use the CLASSDATA= option in the PROC TABULATE statement.

Formatting Values in Tables

The formats for data in table cells serve two purposes. They determine how PROC TABULATE displays the values, and they determine the width of the columns. The default format for values in table cells is 12.2. You can modify the format for printing values in table cells by doing the following:
  • changing the default format with the FORMAT= option in the PROC TABULATE statement
  • crossing elements in the TABLE statement with the F= format modifier
PROC TABULATE determines the format to use for a particular cell from the following default order of precedence for formats:
  1. If no other formats are specified, then PROC TABULATE uses the default format (12.2).
  2. The FORMAT= option in the PROC TABULATE statement changes the default format. If no format modifiers affect a cell, then PROC TABULATE uses this format for the value in that cell.
  3. A format modifier in the page dimension applies to the values in all the table cells on the logical page unless you specify another format modifier for a cell in the row or column dimension.
  4. A format modifier in the row dimension applies to the values in all the table cells in the row unless you specify another format modifier for a cell in the column dimension.
  5. A format modifier in the column dimension applies to the values in all the table cells in the column.
You can change this order of precedence by using the FORMAT_PRECEDENCE= option in the TABLE statement. See TABLE Statement for more information. For example, if you specify FORMAT_PRECEDENCE=ROW and specify a format modifier in the row dimension, then that format overrides all other specified formats for the table cells.

How Using BY-Group Processing Differs from Using the Page Dimension

Using the page-dimension expression in a TABLE statement can have an effect similar to using a BY statement.
The following table contrasts the two methods.
Contrasting the BY Statement and the Page Dimension
PROC TABULATE with a BY Statement
PROC TABULATE with a Page Dimension in the TABLE Statement
Order of observations in the input data set
The observations in the input data set must be sorted by the BY variables. (footnote1)
Sorting is unnecessary.
One report summarizing all BY groups
You cannot create one report for all the BY groups.
Use ALL in the page dimension to create a report for all classes. (See Summarizing Information with the Universal Class Variable ALL.)
The percentages in the tables are percentages of the total for that BY group. You cannot calculate percentages for a BY group compared to the totals for all BY groups because PROC TABULATE prepares the individual reports separately. Data for the report for one BY group are not available to the report for another BY group.
You can use denominator definitions to control the meaning of PCTN. (See Calculating Percentages .)
You can use the #BYVAL, #BYVAR, and #BYLINE specifications in TITLE statements to customize the titles for each BY group. (See Creating Titles That Contain BY-Group Information .)
The BOX= option in the TABLE statement customizes the page headings, but you must use the same title on each page.
Ordering class variables
ORDER=DATA and ORDER=FREQ order each BY group independently.
The order of class variables is the same on every page.
Obtaining uniform headings
You might need to insert dummy observations into BY groups that do not have all classes represented.
The PRINTMISS option ensures that each page of the table has uniform headings.
Multiple ranges with the same format
PROC TABULATE produces a table for each range.
PROC TABULATE combines observations from the two ranges.

Calculating Percentages

Calculating the Percentage of the Value in a Single Table Cell

The following statistics print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the total of the values in a group of cells. No denominator definitions are required. However, an analysis variable can be used as a denominator definition for percentage sum statistics.
  • REPPCTN and REPPCTSUM statistics—print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the total of the values in the report.
  • COLPCTN and COLPCTSUM statistics—print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the total of the values in the column.
  • ROWPCTN and ROWPCTSUM statistics—print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the total of the values in the row.
  • PAGEPCTN and PAGEPCTSUM statistics—print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the total of the values in the page.
These statistics calculate the most commonly used percentages. See Calculating Various Percentage Statistics for an example.


PCTN and PCTSUM statistics can be used to calculate these same percentages. They enable you to manually define denominators. PCTN and PCTSUM statistics print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the value (used in the denominator of the calculation of the percentage) in another table cell or to the total of the values in a group of cells. By default, PROC TABULATE summarizes the values in all N cells (for PCTN) or all SUM cells (for PCTSUM) and uses the summarized value for the denominator. You can control the value that PROC TABULATE uses for the denominator with a denominator definition.
You place a denominator definition in angle brackets (< and >) next to the PCTN or PCTSUM statistic. The denominator definition specifies which categories to sum for the denominator.
This section illustrates how to specify denominator definitions in a simple table. Using Denominator Definitions to Display Basic Frequency Counts and Percentages illustrates how to specify denominator definitions in a table that consists of multiple subtables. For more examples of denominator definitions, see PROC TABULATE by Example, Second Edition.

Specifying a Denominator for the PCTN Statistic

The following PROC TABULATE step calculates the N statistic and three different versions of PCTN using the data set ENERGY.
proc tabulate data=energy;
   class division type;
   table division*
           (n='Number of customers'
            pctn<type>='% of row' 1
            pctn<division>='% of column'  2
            pctn='% of all customers'), 3
   title 'Number of Users in Each Division';
The TABLE statement creates a row for each value of Division and a column for each value of Type. Within each row, the TABLE statement nests four statistics: N and three different calculations of PCTN. (See the following figure.) Each occurrence of PCTN uses a different denominator definition.
Three Different Uses of the PCTN Statistic with Frequency Counts Highlighted
Three Different Uses of the PCTN Statistic with Frequency Counts Highlighted
1 <type> sums the frequency counts for all occurrences of Type within the same value of Division. Thus, for Division=1, the denominator is 6 + 6, or 12.
2 <division> sums the frequency counts for all occurrences of Division within the same value of Type. Thus, for Type=1, the denominator is 6 + 3 + 8 + 5, or 22.
3 The third use of PCTN has no denominator definition. Omitting a denominator definition is the same as including all class variables in the denominator definition. Thus, for all cells, the denominator is 6 + 3 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 8 + 5, or 44.

Specifying a Denominator for the PCTSUM Statistic

The following PROC TABULATE step sums expenditures for each combination of Type and Division and calculates three different versions of PCTSUM.
proc tabulate data=energy format=8.2;
   class division type;
   var expenditures;
   table division*
            pctsum<type>='% of row' 1
            pctsum<division>='% of column' 2
            pctsum='% of all customers'), 3
   title 'Expenditures in Each Division';
The TABLE statement creates a row for each value of Division and a column for each value of Type. Because Type is crossed with Expenditures, the value in each cell is the sum of the values of Expenditures for all observations that contribute to the cell. Within each row, the TABLE statement nests four statistics: SUM and three different calculations of PCTSUM. (See the following figure.) Each occurrence of PCTSUM uses a different denominator definition.
Three Different Uses of the PCTSUM Statistic with Sums Highlighted
Three Different Uses of the PCTSUM Statistic with Sums Highlighted
1 <type> sums the values of Expenditures for all occurrences of Type within the same value of Division. Thus, for Division=1, the denominator is $7,477 + $5,129.
2 <division> sums the frequency counts for all occurrences of Division within the same value of Type. Thus, for Type=1, the denominator is $7,477 + $19,379 + $5,476 + $13,959.
3 The third use of PCTN has no denominator definition. Omitting a denominator definition is the same as including all class variables in the denominator definition. Thus, for all cells, the denominator is $7,477 + $19,379 + $5,476 + $13,959 + $5,129 + $15,078 + $4,729 + $12,619.

Using Style Elements in PROC TABULATE

What Are Style Elements?

If you use the Output Delivery System to create HTML, RTF, or Printer output from PROC TABULATE, then you can set the style element that the procedure uses for various parts of the table. Style elements determine presentation attributes, such as font face, font weight, color, and so on. See Understanding Styles, Style Elements, and Style Attributes in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide for more information. See ODS Style Elements in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide for a comprehensive list of style elements.
The following table lists the default styles for various regions of a table.
Default Styles for Table Regions
Column headings
Page dimension text
Row headings
Data cells

Using the STYLE= Option

You specify style elements for PROC TABULATE with the STYLE= option. The following table shows where you can use this option. Specifications in the TABLE statement override the same specification in the PROC TABULATE statement. However, any style attributes that you specify in the PROC TABULATE statement and that you do not override in the TABLE statement are inherited. For example, if you specify a blue background and a white foreground for all data cells in the PROC TABULATE statement, and you specify a gray background for the data cells of a particular crossing in the TABLE statement, then the background for those data cells is gray, and the foreground is white (as specified in the PROC TABULATE statement).
Detailed information about STYLE= is provided in the documentation for individual statements.
Using the STYLE= Option in PROC TABULATE
To Set the Style Element For
Use STYLE in this Statement
Data cells
PROC TABULATE statement or dimension expression(s)
Page dimension text and class variable name headings
CLASS Statement
Class level value headings
CLASSLEV Statement
Keyword headings
KEYWORD Statement
Table borders, rules, and other parts that are not specified elsewhere
TABLE Statement
Box text
BOX= option of the TABLE statement
Missing values
MISSTEXT= option of the TABLE statement
Analysis variable name headings
VAR Statement

Applying Style Attributes to Table Cells

PROC TABULATE determines the style attributes to use for a particular cell from the following default order of precedence for styles:
  1. If no other style attributes are specified, then PROC TABULATE uses the default style attributes from the default style (Data).
  2. The STYLE= option in the PROC TABULATE statement changes the default style attributes. If no other STYLE= option specifications affect a cell, then PROC TABULATE uses these style attributes for that cell.
  3. A STYLE= option that is specified in the page dimension applies to all the table cells on the logical page unless you specify another STYLE= option for a cell in the row or column dimension.
  4. A STYLE= option that is specified in the row dimension applies to all the table cells in the row unless you specify another STYLE= option for a cell in the column dimension.
  5. A STYLE= option that is specified in the column dimension applies to all the table cells in the column.
You can change this order of precedence by using the STYLE_PRECEDENCE= option in the TABLE statement . For example, if you specify STYLE_PRECEDENCE=ROW and specify a STYLE= option in the row dimension, then those style attribute values override all others that are specified for the table cells.

Using a Format to Assign a Style Attribute

You can use a format to assign a style attribute value to any cell whose content is determined by values of a class or analysis variable. For example, the following code assigns a red background to cells whose values are less than 10,000, a yellow background to cells whose values are at least 10,000 but less than 20,000, and a green background to cells whose values are at least 20,000:
proc format;
   value expfmt low-<10000='red'

ods html body='external-HTML-file';
proc tabulate data=energy style=[backgroundcolor=expfmt.];
   class region division type;
   var expenditures;
   table (region all)*(division all),
ods html close;
FOOTNOTE 1:You can use the BY statement without sorting the data set if the data set has an index for the BY variable.[return]