results in a 95% confidence
limit.Summarizing Information with the Universal Class Variable ALL
after the closing quotation
mark. For example, the following option assigns the hexadecimal character
2D to the third formatting character, assigns the hexadecimal character
7C to the seventh character, and does not alter the remaining characters:formchar(3,7)='2D7C'x
Specifying all blanks for formatting-character(s) produces tables with no outlines or dividers.
formchar(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) =' '(11 blanks)
For information about which hexadecimal codes to use for which characters, consult the documentation for your hardware.
Creating Special Missing Values in SAS Language Reference: Concepts in for a discussion of missing values that have special meaning.
When you are using those procs In-database and you are using the order=data proc option, the results can vary because there really is no sense of ordering on the database unless you use order by (which the procs don't do).
proc tabulate data=one style=[backgroundcolor=red];
When you use the WEIGHT statement and VARDEF=WGT, the
computed variance is asymptotically (for large n)
an estimate of , where
is the average weight. This yields an asymptotic
estimate of the variance of an observation with average weight.