specifies a first-order ante-dependence structure (Kenward, 1987; Patel, 1991) parameterized in terms of variances and correlation parameters. If t ordered random variables
have a first-order ante-dependence structure, then each
, is independent of all other
, given
. This Markovian structure is characterized by its inverse variance matrix, which is tridiagonal. Parameterizing an ANTE(1)
structure for a random vector of size t requires 2t – 1 parameters: variances
and t – 1 correlation parameters
. The covariances among random variables
are then constructed as
PROC GLIMMIX constrains the correlation parameters to satisfy
. For variable-order ante-dependence models see Macchiavelli and Arnold (1994).
specifies a first-order autoregressive structure,
The values
are derived for the ith and jth observations, respectively, and are not necessarily the observation numbers. For example, in the following statements the
values correspond to the class levels for the time
effect of the ith and jth observation within a particular subject:
proc glimmix;
class time patient;
model y = x x*x;
random time / sub=patient type=ar(1);
PROC GLIMMIX imposes the constraint
for stationarity.
specifies a heterogeneous first-order autoregressive structure,
. This covariance structure has the same correlation pattern as the TYPE=AR(1) structure, but the variances are allowed to
specifies the first-order autoregressive moving-average structure,
is the autoregressive parameter,
models a moving-average component, and
is a scale parameter. In the notation of Fuller (1976, p. 68),
The example in Table 44.19 and
imply that
. PROC GLIMMIX imposes the constraints
for stationarity, although for some values of
in this region the resulting covariance matrix is not positive definite. When the estimated value of
becomes negative, the computed covariance is multiplied by
to account for the negativity.
specifies an unstructured variance-covariance matrix parameterized through its Cholesky root. This parameterization ensures that the resulting variance-covariance matrix is at
least positive semidefinite. If all diagonal values are nonzero, it is positive definite. For example, a
unstructured covariance matrix can be written as
Without imposing constraints on the three parameters, there is no guarantee that the estimated variance matrix is positive
definite. Even if
are nonzero, a large value for
can lead to a negative eigenvalue of
. The Cholesky root of a positive definite matrix
is a lower triangular matrix
such that
. The Cholesky root of the above
matrix can be written as
The elements of the unstructured variance matrix are then simply
, and
. Similar operations yield the generalization to covariance matrices of higher orders.
For example, the following statements model the covariance matrix of each subject as an unstructured matrix:
proc glimmix;
class sub;
model y = x;
random _residual_ / subject=sub type=un;
The next set of statements accomplishes the same, but the estimated
matrix is guaranteed to be nonnegative definite:
proc glimmix;
class sub;
model y = x;
random _residual_ / subject=sub type=chol;
The GLIMMIX procedure constrains the diagonal elements of the Cholesky root to be positive. This guarantees a unique solution
when the matrix is positive definite.
The optional order parameter
determines how many bands below the diagonal are modeled. Elements in the lower triangular portion of
in bands higher than q are set to zero. If you consider the resulting covariance matrix
, then the order parameter has the effect of zeroing all off-diagonal elements that are at least q positions away from the diagonal.
Because of its good computational and statistical properties, the Cholesky root parameterization is generally recommended
over a completely unstructured covariance matrix (TYPE=UN
). However, it is computationally slightly more involved.
specifies the compound-symmetry structure, which has constant variance and constant covariance
The compound symmetry structure arises naturally with nested random effects, such as when subsampling error is nested within
experimental error. The models constructed with the following two sets of GLIMMIX statements have the same marginal variance
matrix, provided
is positive:
proc glimmix;
class block A;
model y = block A;
random block*A / type=vc;
proc glimmix;
class block A;
model y = block A;
random _residual_ / subject=block*A
In the first case, the block*A
random effect models the G-side experimental error. Because the distribution defaults to the normal, the
matrix is of form
(see Table 44.20), and
is the subsampling error variance. The marginal variance for the data from a particular experimental unit is thus
. This matrix is of compound symmetric form.
Hierarchical random assignments or selections, such as subsampling or split-plot designs, give rise to compound symmetric
covariance structures. This implies exchangeability of the observations on the subunit, leading to constant correlations between
the observations. Compound symmetric structures are thus usually not appropriate for processes where correlations decline
according to some metric, such as spatial and temporal processes.
Note that R-side compound-symmetry structures do not impose any constraint on
. You can thus use an R-side TYPE=CS structure to emulate a variance-component model with unbounded estimate of the variance
specifies the heterogeneous compound-symmetry structure, which is an equi-correlation structure but allows for different variances
specifies the factor-analytic structure with q factors (Jennrich and Schluchter, 1986). This structure is of the form
, where
is a
rectangular matrix and
is a
diagonal matrix with t different parameters. When
, the elements of
in its upper-right corner (that is, the elements in the ith row and jth column for
) are set to zero to fix the rotation of the structure.
specifies a factor-analytic structure with q factors of the form
, where
is a
rectangular matrix and t is the dimension of
. When
is a lower triangular matrix. When
—that is, when the number of factors is less than the dimension of the matrix—this structure is nonnegative definite but not
of full rank. In this situation, you can use it to approximate an unstructured covariance matrix.
specifies a covariance structure that satisfies the general Huynh-Feldt condition (Huynh and Feldt, 1970). For a random vector with t elements, this structure has
positive parameters and covariances
A covariance matrix
generally satisfies the Huynh-Feldt condition if it can be written as
. The preceding parameterization chooses
. Several simpler covariance structures give rise to covariance matrices that also satisfy the Huynh-Feldt condition. For
example, TYPE=CS
, and TYPE=UN(1)
are nested within TYPE=HF. You can use the COVTEST
statement to test the HF structure against one of these simpler structures. Note also that the HF structure is nested within
an unstructured covariance matrix.
The TYPE=HF covariance structure can be sensitive to the choice of starting values and the default MIVQUE(0) starting values
can be poor for this structure; you can supply your own starting values with the PARMS
specifies a general linear covariance structure with q parameters. This structure consists of a linear combination of known matrices that you input with the LDATA=
option. Suppose that you want to model the covariance of a random vector of length t, and further suppose that
are symmetric
) matrices constructed from the information in the LDATA=
data set. Then,
denotes the element in row i, column j of matrix
Linear structures are very flexible and general. You need to exercise caution to ensure that the variance matrix is positive
definite. Note that PROC GLIMMIX does not impose boundary constraints on the parameters
of a general linear covariance structure. For example, if classification variable A
has 6 levels, the following statements fit a variance component structure for the random effect without boundary constraints:
data ldata;
retain parm 1 value 1;
do row=1 to 6; col=row; output; end;
proc glimmix data=MyData;
class A B;
model Y = B;
random A / type=lin(1) ldata=ldata;
requests that PROC GLIMMIX form a B-spline basis and fits a penalized B-spline (P-spline, Eilers and Marx 1996) with random spline coefficients. This covariance structure is available only for G-side random effects and only a single
continuous random effect can be specified with TYPE=PSPLINE. As for TYPE=RSMOOTH, PROC GLIMMIX forms a modified
matrix and fits a mixed model in which the random variables associated with the columns of
are independent with a common variance. The
matrix is constructed as follows.
Denote as
matrix of B-splines of degree d and denote as
matrix of rth-order differences. For example, for K = 5,
Then, the
matrix used in fitting the mixed model is the
The construction of the B-spline knots is controlled with the KNOTMETHOD=
EQUAL(m) option and the DEGREE=d suboption of TYPE=PSPLINE. The total number of knots equals the number m of equally spaced interior knots plus d knots at the low end and
knots at the high end. The number of columns in the B-spline basis equals K = m + d + 1. By default, the interior knots exclude the minimum and maximum of the random-effect values and are based on m – 1 equally spaced intervals. Suppose
are the smallest and largest random-effect values; then interior knots are placed at
In addition, d evenly spaced exterior knots are placed below
exterior knots are placed above
. The exterior knots are evenly spaced and start at
times the machine epsilon. For example, based on the defaults d = 3, r = 3, the following statements lead to 26 total knots and 21 columns in
, m = 20, K = m + d + 1 = 24, K – r = 21:
proc glimmix;
model y = x;
random x / type=pspline knotmethod=equal(20);
Details about the computation and properties of B-splines can be found in De Boor (2001). You can extend or limit the range of the knots with the KNOTMIN=
options. Table 44.18 lists some of the parameters that control this covariance type and their relationships.
Table 44.18: P-Spline Parameters
Degree of B-spline, default d = 3
Order of differencing in construction of , default r = 3
Number of interior knots, default
Total number of knots
Number of columns in B-spline basis
Number of columns in
You can specify the following options for TYPE=PSPLINE:
specifies the degree of the B-spline. The default is d = 3.
specifies the order of the differencing matrix
. The default and maximum is r = 3.
specifies a radial smoother covariance structure for G-side random effects. This results in an approximate low-rank thin-plate spline where the smoothing parameter is obtained by the estimation
method selected with the METHOD=
option of the PROC GLIMMIX
statement. The smoother is based on the automatic smoother in Ruppert, Wand, and Carroll (2003, Chapter 13.4–13.5), but with a different method of selecting the spline knots. See the section Radial Smoothing Based on Mixed Models for further details about the construction of the smoother and the knot selection.
Radial smoothing is possible in one or more dimensions. A univariate smoother is obtained with a single random effect, while
multiple random effects in a RANDOM statement yield a multivariate smoother. Only continuous random effects are permitted
with this covariance structure. If
denotes the number of continuous random effects in the RANDOM statement, then the covariance structure of the random effects
is determined as follows. Suppose that
denotes the vector of random effects for the ith observation. Let
denote the
vector of knot coordinates,
, and K is the total number of knots. The Euclidean distance between the knots is computed as
and the distance between knots and effects is computed as
matrix for the GLMM is constructed as
where the
has typical element
and the
has typical element
The exponent in these expressions equals
, where the optional value m corresponds to the derivative penalized in the thin-plate spline. A larger value of m will yield a smoother fit. The GLIMMIX procedure requires p > 0 and chooses by default m = 2 if
otherwise. The NOLOG option removes the
terms from the computation of the
matrices when
is even; this yields invariance under rescaling of the coordinates.
Finally, the components of
are assumed to have equal variance
. The "smoothing parameter"
of the low-rank spline is related to the variance components in the model,
. See Ruppert, Wand, and Carroll (2003) for details. If the conditional distribution does not provide a scale parameter
, you can add a single R-side residual parameter.
The knot selection is controlled with the KNOTMETHOD=
option. The GLIMMIX procedure selects knots automatically based on the vertices of a k-d tree or reads knots from a data set that you supply. See the section Radial Smoothing Based on Mixed Models for further details on radial smoothing in the GLIMMIX procedure and its connection to a mixed model formulation.
is an alias for TYPE=VC.
models an exponential spatial or temporal covariance structure, where the covariance between two observations depends on a distance metric
. The c-list contains the names of the numeric variables used as coordinates to determine distance. For a stochastic process in
, there are k elements in c-list. If the
vectors of coordinates for observations i and j are
, then PROC GLIMMIX computes the Euclidean distance
The covariance between two observations is then
The parameter
is not what is commonly referred to as the range parameter in geostatistical applications. The practical range of a (second-order
stationary) spatial process is the distance
at which the correlations fall below 0.05. For the SP(EXP) structure, this distance is
. PROC GLIMMIX constrains
to be positive.
models a Gaussian covariance structure,
See TYPE=SP(EXP) for the computation of the distance
. The parameter
is related to the range of the process as follows. If the practical range
is defined as the distance at which the correlations fall below 0.05, then
. PROC GLIMMIX constrains
to be positive. See TYPE=SP(EXP) for the computation of the distance
from the variables specified in c-list.
models a covariance structure in the Matérn class of covariance functions (Matérn, 1986). The covariance is expressed in the parameterization of Handcock and Stein (1993); Handcock and Wallis (1994); it can be written as
The function
is the modified Bessel function of the second kind of (real) order
. The smoothness (continuity) of a stochastic process with covariance function in the Matérn class increases with
. This class thus enables data-driven estimation of the smoothness properties of the process. The covariance is identical
to the exponential model for
(TYPE=SP(EXP)(c-list)), while for
the model advocated by Whittle (1954) results. As
, the model approaches the Gaussian covariance structure (TYPE=SP(GAU)(c-list)).
Note that the MIXED procedure offers covariance structures in the Matérn class in two parameterizations, TYPE=SP(MATERN) and
TYPE=SP(MATHSW). The TYPE=SP(MAT) in the GLIMMIX procedure is equivalent to TYPE=SP(MATHSW) in the MIXED procedure.
Computation of the function
and its derivatives is numerically demanding; fitting models with Matérn covariance structures can be time-consuming. Good
starting values are essential.
models a power covariance structure,
. This is a reparameterization of the exponential structure, TYPE=SP(EXP). Specifically,
. See TYPE=SP(EXP) for the computation of the distance
from the variables specified in c-list. When the estimated value of
becomes negative, the computed covariance is multiplied by
to account for the negativity.
models an anisotropic power covariance structure in k dimensions, provided that the coordinate list c-list has k elements. If
denotes the coordinate for the ith observation of the mth variable in c-list, the covariance between two observations is given by
Note that for k = 1, TYPE=SP(POWA) is equivalent to TYPE=SP(POW), which is itself a reparameterization of TYPE=SP(EXP). When the estimated
value of
becomes negative, the computed covariance is multiplied by
to account for the negativity.
models a spherical covariance structure,
The spherical covariance structure has a true range parameter. The covariances between observations are exactly zero when
their distance exceeds
. See TYPE=SP(EXP) for the computation of the distance
from the variables specified in c-list.
models a Toeplitz covariance structure. This structure can be viewed as an autoregressive structure with order equal to the dimension of the matrix,
specifies a banded Toeplitz structure,
This can be viewed as a moving-average structure with order equal to q – 1. The specification TYPE=TOEP(1) is the same as
, and it can be useful for specifying the same variance component for several effects.
models a Toeplitz covariance structure. The correlations of this structure are banded as the TOEP or TOEP(q) structures, but the variances are allowed to vary:
The correlation parameters satisfy
. If you specify the optional value q, the correlation parameters with
are set to zero, creating a banded correlation structure. The specification TYPE=TOEPH(1) results in a diagonal covariance
matrix with heterogeneous variances.
specifies a completely general (unstructured) covariance matrix parameterized directly in terms of variances and covariances,
The variances are constrained to be nonnegative, and the covariances are unconstrained. This structure is not constrained
to be nonnegative definite in order to avoid nonlinear constraints; however, you can use the TYPE=CHOL structure if you want
this constraint to be imposed by a Cholesky factorization. If you specify the order parameter q, then PROC GLIMMIX estimates only the first q bands of the matrix, setting elements in all higher bands equal to 0.
specifies a completely general (unstructured) covariance matrix parameterized in terms of variances and correlations,
denotes the standard deviation and the correlation
is zero when
and when
, provided the order parameter q is given. This structure fits the same model as the TYPE=UN(q) option, but with a different parameterization. The ith variance parameter is
. The parameter
is the correlation between the ith and jth measurements; it satisfies
. If you specify the order parameter q, then PROC GLIMMIX estimates only the first q bands of the matrix, setting all higher bands equal to zero.
specifies standard variance components and is the default structure for both G-side and R-side covariance structures. In a G-side covariance structure, a distinct variance component is assigned
to each effect. In an R-side structure TYPE=VC is usually used only to add overdispersion effects or with the GROUP=
option to specify a heterogeneous variance model.