When you use the CALID statement,
you can process activities that apply to different calendars, indicated
by the value of the CALID variable. Because you can specify only one
CALID variable, however, you can create only one level of grouping.
For example, if you want a calendar report to show the activities
of several departments within a company, then you can identify each
department with the value of the CALID variable and produce calendar
output that shows the calendars for all departments.
When you use a BY statement,
however, you can further divide activities into related groups. For
example, you can print calendar output that groups departmental calendars
by division. The observations for activities must contain a variable
that identifies which department an activity belongs to and a variable
that identifies the division that a department resides in. Specify
the variable that identifies the department with the CALID statement.
Specify the variable that identifies the division with the BY statement.