Unified family methods (Kittelson and Emerson, 1999) derive boundary values with a specified boundary shape. For example, Pocock’s method (Pocock, 1977) derives equal boundary values for all stages in the standardized Z scale. In addition to Pocock’s method, the unified family methods include the O’Brien-Fleming, power family, and unified family triangular methods.
The boundary values at each stage depend on the information fractions
where is the information available at stage k and
is the maximum information, the information available at the end of the trial if the trial does not stop early.
With the unified family method, the boundary values for the upper boundary
, upper
, lower
, and lower
, using the standardized normal scale, are given by the following:
where and
are the lower and upper alternative references,
, and
are the specified shape functions, and
, and
are the critical values derived to achieve the specified
If a derived lower boundary value
is greater than its corresponding upper
boundary value
, then both values are set to missing.
Note that the drift parameters and
are derived in the SEQDESIGN procedure. The boundary values in standardized Z scale can be derived without specifying the
maximum information and alternative reference.
The shape function in the SEQDESIGN procedure is given by
where the parameters and
. can be specified for each boundary separately.
The parameters and
determine the shape of the boundaries. Special cases of the unified family methods also include power family methods and
triangular methods. Table 89.6 summarizes the corresponding parameter values in the unified family for these methods.
Table 89.6: Parameters in the Unified Family for Various Methods
Unified Family |
Method |
Option |
Rho |
Tau |
Pocock |
0 |
0 |
O’Brien-Fleming |
0.5 |
0 |
Power family |
0 |
Triangular |
0.5 |
Note that the power parameter , where
is the power parameter used in Jennison and Turnbull (2000) and Wang and Tsiatis (1987) and
is the power parameter used in Kittelson and Emerson (1999).
Also note that instead of the three parameters used in the unified family methods by Kittelson and Emerson (1999), only two parameters are used in the SEQDESIGN procedure. The other parameter is fixed at zero.
If the maximum information is available, the boundary values derived from a unified family method can also be displayed in the MLE scale:
These MLE scale boundary values are computed by multiplying by the standardized Z scale boundary values at stage k.
If the maximum information is available, the boundary values derived from a unified family method can also be displayed in the score scale:
These MLE scale boundary values are computed by multiplying by the standardized Z scale boundary values at stage k.
For a design with a lower alternative or a two-sided alternative, the p-value scale boundary values are the cumulative normal distribution function values of the standardized Z boundary values:
These nominal p-values are the one-sided fixed-sample p-values under the null hypothesis with a lower alternative.
For a one-sided design with an upper alternative, the p-value scale boundary values are the one-sided fixed-sample p-values under the null hypothesis with an upper alternative:
The shape function for Pocock’s method (Pocock, 1977) is given by
The resulting boundary values for a two-sided design with an early stopping to reject the null hypothesis are as follows:
That is, the rejection boundary values are constant over all stages of different information levels in the standardized Z scale.
Note that compared with other designs, Pocock’s design tends to stop the trials early with a larger p-value. For a new treatment, Pocock’s design to stop a trial early with a large p-value might not be persuasive enough to make a new treatment widely accepted (Pocock and White, 1999). A Pocock design is illustrated in Example 89.3.
The shape function for the O’Brien-Fleming method (O’Brien and Fleming, 1979) is given by
The resulting boundary values for a two-sided design with early stopping to reject the null hypothesis are as follows:
That is, the rejection boundaries are inversely proportional to the square root of the information levels in the standardized Z scale.
In the score scale, these boundaries can be displayed as follows:
which are constants over all stages in the score scale. An O’Brien-Fleming design is illustrated in Example 89.2.
The shape function for a power family method (Wang and Tsiatis, 1987; Emerson and Fleming, 1989; Pampallona and Tsiatis, 1994) is given by
The resulting boundary values for a two-sided design with early stopping to reject the null hypothesis are as follows:
The rejection boundaries depend on the power parameter . The power family includes the Pocock and O’Brien-Fleming methods, and the power parameter is used to allow continuous movement
between these two methods.
The shape function for a triangular method (Kittelson and Emerson, 1999) in the unified family is given by
The resulting boundary values for a two-sided design with early stopping to reject the null hypothesis are as follows:
In the score scale, these boundaries are as follows:
Thus, in the score scale, the boundary function is a linear function of the information . With these straight-line boundaries, a triangular method for a one-sided trial with early stopping to reject or accept the
null hypothesis produces a triangular continuation region. Similarly, for a two-sided design, the continuation region is a
union of two separate triangular regions. A triangular method is illustrated in Example 89.6.